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since sometimes words are not always enough, I think that screenshots of what I want to add in version 007 will make it clear why the work on the text would not be completed quickly even if I was in normal health. As I said earlier, the video content I made for version 007 would be enough for 2 full videos, and I did not belittle the situation in the least.

I just wanted to please the fans of my game with the presence of so much new content, but alas, problems with my health began, both at the beginning of the month and at the end - I even caught a mild degree of coronavirus, was betrayed by an old friend (site, I'm talking about the site), and also I grabbed a small flash mob from 8 Patrons that they decided to leave me this month... 

There is definitely a reason to feel frustrated, but I will be higher than this, and I will not arrange another drama (even as I have right to do that) , and just will keep doing my job.

However, I will say right away - if such situations recur - I will spend less and less time working on the game, updates will become shorter, and I will not postpone work on video orders to the detriment of orders, i.e. - they will be a priority. 

So I ask again - let's respect and appreciate each other, I am doing not an easy job, and already did much more sexual content in my game than there will ever be in a much more successful game with a almost similar name. Of course, someone can say that the poses in my game are not of such high quality (and sure I'm agree with that), but also - it's a matter of taste, not to mention the number of these poses, and the money that I do getting payed  for my work (I strongly doubt that another team would do any work at all, if they did get as much as I do on their Patreon).

But even in spite of all this, I'm still interested in creating a game, and I will continue to work on it as long as I have the opportunity, but I also want to remind that I also have real work, which I still have in priority over virtual ones.  

Thanks for Your attention,  I hope more unpleasant situations that will greatly distract me from work will not happen.

P.S. Yes, I've got Covid (Thanks to my relatives, love them so much!), but I was lucky, after only 4 days of illness, I am more or less alive now. I was not hospitalized, as usually hospitalization occurs with a more severe form. Problems with gastritis have also become quieter, I hope - so it will continue in this way.




Btw, I'm sure no one did notice, but Xvideos did give me status of Verified porn model (besides the channel). Do you know what this means? This means that avatar that you see in the icon on my patreon is a real person! Live with it now!

Alexander Wolfe

I know I'm a bit of a stranger to you since I never really comment on posts or anything and I don't play Second Life myself due to a bad computer - but I've been a LONG time supporter, around the time of your first halloween video I believe, and I just want you to know your videos are genuinely amazing, as is your game content. I'm sorry life has been kicking you in the pants lately - I really hope things look up for you soon as I would hate to see you lose your passion for the content you make! And I hope that someday soon in the coming months I might be able to commission from you! Hang in there Shine. <3


Aww, thank you, and sure, I already owe 2 video orders (which I needed to do before working on the game update, but the order makers allowed me to take a deferral), so feel free to get in line when you are in the mood ^^. And yes, without passion, the content being created will be (with high chances) raw, and here it's not even a question of money (although they also play a role), since big movie or game creation studios has a huge amount of money, but this does not prevent them from killing one franchise after another. The reason is that before cinema (or games) was created for the sake of cinema, people wanted to be remembered, and put their soul and all the strength they could to create the best film that they were capable of. A good example is actor Jackie Chan who sacrificed his life more than once, who re-shot each take so many times that it's hard to believe in it or at least remember the development of the first part of Starcraft (or many other classic games, which many like), where people even sat and did their work outside of working hours. They wanted to create a masterpiece, and they created it. I in no way equate myself with such people, although I know that others in my place (with such health problems) would have left my virtual job long ago, since it does not bring such income for which it is worth risking (and my work in real life, even though I am from Russia, brings several times more income). But I still value my virtual job and keep doing it. Maybe in vain, maybe not, but I'm still curious - where all this can lead me. ^^


Скажите и когда приблезительно ждать данное обновления для подписчиков?


Я продолжаю писать текст, написано уже почти 50%. Думаю если продолжу с таким темпом - закончу через 3-4 дня, но нужно еще дать время моему другу на внесение корректировок в сам текст, и тут как повезет, он может быть сразу свободен, или может задержать все на несколько дней... Так что все будет готово, если ничего плохого не произойдет - в течении недели.


I really hope things start looking up for you, i don't mind if you take more time, please take good care of yourself, i know i say that a lot but its for the best, i'll stick around n_n


Oh ty ^^, and yeah, I my self tired from this all health problems, if really, but, well, thats the life, but maybe all still can be fixed in future

Alexander Wolfe

hehe, even once I do get around to commissioning a video project I won't be any rush to get it either. The project idea I have in mind will likely be a fairly large one anyway so I plan on letting you take all the time you need so long as it gets made eventually. But that's at least a few months away yet, I need to put aside my money for a new PC first and that likely won't be done until December or late November haha Can't wait to see what content you have in store for us until then! <3


Oh, I see, well good luck with your update, just hope miners won't be to big problem for you, because of which PC compontents costs a bit to much right now. And, will see, I need to finish damn dialogues first, even as it's not easy while I don't feel any *horny* at all ;s

Alexander Wolfe

I feel that, doing porn work without being horny enough to actually do it is not fun and tends to result in burn out. I used to sell ERP sessions in world of warcraft for a time and I would often get requests one after the other and I would just burn out from too much horny. As for the computer, it won't be too expensive thankfully, my friend has most of the parts I need and will sell them to me for less than 50% of their current online value, allowing me to build a $3000(USD) computer for less than $1500, maybe $2000 if I decide to get a second monitor and new keyboard+mouse to go with the settup, which I don't really need but would be nice.