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Since now I managed to transfer part of my work to my friend (in terms of writing dialogues for a video project) - I freed up time to think again about what I want to do in the next update of my game project, and I think - I will try to do the following:

1) 2 or 3 new characters will be added to the game. Most likely they will be: a Nurse, a canteen worker and another pilot that the main character can meet in the first hangar (not where she meets her first enemy, but where her ship is). Also, I may add a gunsmith, although he (could be *she* too) will already be required for the subsequent advancement of the main plot, but in version 006 I do not plan to develop the main plot yet.

2) I will add 2-3 rooms for free visits. Most likely they will include Krystal's room, Fox's room, and maybe something else. I will give the player the opportunity to find something in these rooms, and this "something" can be ammo, a first aid kit, or something else that can improve some of the characteristics of the character. In terms of search ... Perhaps I will try to make moments somewhat similar to old quest games - the player will see a picture, and he (or she) will have the opportunity to move the mouse over it in search of something. With this approach, I can even add some kind of safes, from which the player will have to search for the code by solving simple logical problems. I haven’t thought much about exactly how it will look, but, as an experiment, I’ll try to do something like this, just to see the reaction of the players to this (if the majority thinks that this is not necessary, then I just I will not do that in the future).

3) Since now I can update (by replacing) the menus in the upper left of the screen much easier - I think in the next update I will add strength and dexterity indicators there, and maybe something else. I have not decided yet, but, as I said in the previous post about the game, my hands are now much more untied now, so I can allow myself some liberties as an experiment. Perhaps, under certain circumstances, I will even give Krystal the opportunity to find some kind of weapon before meeting the first enemy, and he will already be in a much more disadvantageous position (or maybe not, I have not decided yet, but I have something I'll think of it ^^), and for defeating the enemy - the player will have the opportunity to improve some of the characteristics of Krystal. I think I will not go into a too serious RPG, and therefore I will not enter the levels of the main character, since I think that the indicators of certain characteristics should be enough, but will see.

4) So, as an adult game in the first place - I think - I will find a place in the 006 update for content for such an audience. I don't think there will be too much of it, but we'll see. There may be plans - even the possibility of adding random events, namely - the main character of the game will be able to enter some room with the character several times, and nothing will happen ... But at some point something funny may happen. .. We'll see... ^^

I think, in addition to all this, I will also add a few other cut scenes, but will see, first I need to find actors for these roles so that they are reliable and not let down in the future (although I will reserve the opportunity to replace them, in case something goes wrong), also as prepair locations for recs and even buy some new stuff for it. 

Fortunately, I have good friends who make it much easier for me with this, and also allow me to use their land in order to maintain a space station (otherwise, only the space station would cost me $ 200+, and rent land - even more expensive), so even though I have big plans for the next update of the game - I think - everything should work out ^^.

Thank You for Your attention =^.^=




I hope we get some more scenes with Seth in the future, maybe in a future act since he already has a pretty long scene in act 2. I loved the corruption scenes in act 2 so far, hopefully we can get more in this flavor. In terms of random events, I can't say I'm a big fan if they're too hard to get. It takes control away from the player and puts some content out of reach unless you know to look for it. If the chance it high and the player can just revisit areas to trigger them then they aren't too terrible.


Oh no, where is won't be to hard to get this random events, after all - I will imform people - how to get them, but I also will leave some places for *easter eggs* too in future. About Seth - will see, I have some idea for him, but mostly he can be with one of new characters, and Krystal could just spy for them. Or not spy. And maybe with some possibility where also could be ability to join to them, but only in some terms, I guess (like, if she did take his offer and had fun with him earlier - she would have more choices. If she didn't - then possible she could not be joined them, etc.


i'm looking forward to this, would be nice to have adult interactions with some of the characters but this all sounds interesting.


heheh, well yeah, maybe I will aslo be needed to add some sort of *lust* characteristic too, but will see, I still didn't decide yet - how exactly will I promote the game's plot. Perhaps Krystal will return to the space station more than once, and all these flirtations may have big consequences in the future.