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I have long wanted to shoot something on the Egyptian theme, but problems with finding a location forced me to postpone this idea, until I finally decided to buy a temple for this filming, so... It ceased to be just an idea... ^^

The idea of video is going to be like: An ordinary temple guard has long laid eyes on one of the beloved wives (or concubines) of the pharaoh, and one fine night, when she decided to take a bath without prying eyes, the guard decided to take his chance ... Well, judging by what You will see from the intro - he will definitely be lucky...=^.~=

I will try to finish this project in 5 days, but could take 2 more extra days, if I will ask my friend ShuraGear525 some help with dialogues fix again, but, the intro to this project is already done, here is direct link on it -

https://mega.nz/file/CxpCyJ6Q#Kdt7hxCEWI5Nbsc_uHxqS3rjKSdXLe3oOoYsILuGepo  &  http://shinesl.club/Intros/The%20Forbidden%20fruit%20%28%20Intro%20%29.mp4

Thank You for Your attention ^^




У, та самая Котя из пачки Пинов. Ждёмс.


lol hopefully it ends better for him than imotept from the mummy and the mummy returns


Да, правда с более старым мешевым телом, для разнообразия. А то легаси на всех моделях иногда может приестся)


oh no lol that'll be an interesting situation. cursed to be the undead for being caught with one of the pharaoh's lovers then resurrected it would be interesting for a halloween vid


The main thing here is not to go too far, otherwise instead of a vulgar video I will make some kind of horror ones ;s


I'm liking this, its always nice to see ladies being taken by Lizards >:)


Heheh, first I was thinked to add Seth, but after didn't catch needed actor online - I decide that guardian also should work fine too ^.^


Hey, I hope she gets to have fun with one or two more guards heh.