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(((Attention - game saves from older versions may not work correctly, since I made changes to the base code at the very beginning of the game, and since the old saves did not have this code base get loaded  - when with old saves happen meeting other elements of the updated code - the game generates an error. I already have some ideas on how to solve this problem in the future, but for now I recommend using the * skip * button to get to the desired game moment faster. It is also not necessary to go to the mechanic to find out the code for the door to the spare hangar, since after receiving the mission from the Commander - you can, with knowing the code - just go straight to the spare hangar.)))


In this update I added the ability to develop relations with the Commander, however, to access the content - Krystal needs to obey to the first enemy in the spare hangar, and then upon leaving the hangar - admit this to the Commander, or lose the battle to the enemy, but at the same time - not get the first * bad * ending of the game (the Commander must save Krystal ).

Also, since not everyone liked that Krystal's fur was too shiny - I decided to do a little experiment with the texture of her fur, it will still remain shiny, however - it will look a little more like fur.  I also added several hidden dialogues (not much of text in each, more for experiment) between Krystal and the Commander, different variations of which you will receive depending on how successfully You had a dialogue with the Commander when You first met her. Hope You like it. ^^

And, as I promised - I did upload two versions of the game with different video codecs, both as an experiment and just for the sake of choice:

1) The size of the game is 1.5-1.6 gigabytes, the priority version of the game for downloading (I have the opportunity to reduce the size of the game here by another 30-33% without too serious loss of picture quality, but all the same these changes will be noticeable, so for now I will postpone this opportunity for later.

You can download the game here:

For PC : https://mega.nz/file/3xogRS6C#FYCxail1xXEvrFupHSwzEglNmP8dLDVmUMf32E69OPU   &   http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/LOKpGame/LOKPGAMEAct2-0.05-dists%20CV3/LOKPGAMEAct2-0.05-pc.zip 

For MAC : https://mega.nz/file/es40UIDR#J7fD4C_N6wxsSyhv0KFcBCnhnyhfx0OSfAIWTeizDac  &   http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/LOKpGame/LOKPGAMEAct2-0.05-dists%20CV3/LOKPGAMEAct2-0.05-mac.zip

2) The size of the game is 700-800 mb, experimental version of the game project. The picture when using this codec is as close as possible in quality to the original (before compressing / changing the codec), however, the video itself sags a little in places. It is a pity if this were not the case - this codec would be ideal for me, but for now - it is only a spare.  

You can download the game here:  

For PC :  https://mega.nz/file/rw4yRIrZ#dlKZRhR6UO2MifBtfMSy2jPU-vBXsV_TyzVZdjPAdyg   &  http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/LOKpGame/LOKPGAMEAct2-0.05-dists%20%D0%A1/LOKPGAMEAct2-0.05-pc.zip

For MAC : https://mega.nz/file/S140gYYb#FXGfFUgMMjuUUS1AOZGTGxQ5cW5hlNuNtdm9YlYktPc   &   http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/LOKpGame/LOKPGAMEAct2-0.05-dists%20%D0%A1/LOKPGAMEAct2-0.05-mac.zip

Thank You for Your attention ^^

P.S. I think in the next game update I will try to break the linearity of the game even more, but I think that the hike to the Commander and the Command Center at the beginning will still remain the same, but then Krystal will have even more freedom of choice. Plus, I think I will add the ability to enter to neutral rooms and maybe add several NPCs for communication and the possibility of some hidden actions (and random events). Will see, I have many ideas, just need to find time on adding them.




I like the new content with the comender, although i have a bug to report. I was using my old save files so this is probably the reason why this happened but when I got in battle and it was my turn to attack the game would tell me there was an error, so basically you can't have a turn in battle and the only thing you can do is counter. There was also an error screen after the comander saves krystal but its probably because of the same reaso. I didn't have problems with the videos in the version with the new codec.


Yes, yes, I did forget to say that old saves won't work currently anymore, since I did added few new elements in the beginning of the code, so game code was changed, and older saves do not have this information, so with using older saves and then you meet part of the updated code, which linked with code in the beginning - game give error. For now it's not to hard to pass the game from the beginning again (with using *skip* ability), but in future I already have few ideas how to make saves from older versions work too, but I will use this ideas later, then will add more RPG elements to game.


Yeah i started a new game and had no issues at all, I think the lighter version with the new video codecs works great honestly.


Yeah, thats happen because I did add some *points* , which are responsible for certain events in the game ( like reaction of Commander, then player meet her second time, like - if player screw her in first meeting - they would have short dialogue about it too. This points is needed in order to make the game as non-linear as possible. One of the reasons why so far I have only 3 characters involved in the game, not counting Krystal, is that I had not been able to pervert so much over the code before. Now I can, so soon I will add more characters ^.^