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Oddly enough, I have a lot more good news than bad news, but perhaps I'll start with not so good ones: I do not think that in future battles in my game project, Krystal will have allies (at least with their own personal indicators), however, I will still find a place to insert moments in certain situations where Krystal get help in battle. The reason is that the code is too complicated, the volume of the combat system of which is already about 16 thousand lines.
Enemies will often also be in a single case, although I admit the possibility that there will be several enemies, but they will have a common life indicator.  Perhaps in the future I will reconsider this decision and find compromises, but for now I will build the principle of the combat system in this direction (After all, the main goal of my game project - is not became an RPG game, and first of all - to create a very adult story of the adventures of many beloved blue vixen, and I will stick to that direction first. However, the combat system will also find a place for its application, and if anyone wants to try to make Krystal a machine for * destruction*, in terms of solving dangerous situations - well, I will give this opportunity, although alternatives will always be possible).

And by the way - with the alpha version of the combat system, which is already interconnected by various parameters - can be found here (if link is glutching - better copy it and paste it in Your browser) :

For PC -  http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/LOKpGame/Another/TEST5-0.1-dists/LOKP%20ACT-3%20Battle%20System%20Test%20-pc.zip

For MAC - http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/LOKpGame/Another/TEST5-0.1-dists/LOKP%20ACT-3%20Battle%20System%20Test%20-mac.zip

Now for the more good news:

1) I managed to completely break the Renpy engine, and make full nonlinearity out of its linearity. It was not easy to do this, since there are less and less useful and really working codes on the Internet (more and more trash comes across on the Internet), but through experiments, and as usual - using codes that were invented for something else - I managed to find a way to make the game is nonlinear. 

I think it will be somewhat similar to the original Diablo game in terms of communication with NPCs - Krystal can approach anyone, conduct dialogues, dialogues also will change depending on Krystal's progress, her reputation or character development (all these changes will be tied to certain points, which I will have to create a lot, but I think I can handle it).

2) I will not develop the inventory yet, as I have found a simplified alternative to it - the menu in the upper left corner of the screen. There will be basic parameters, which will be more than enough (at least at the beginning). It is still possible to trade with characters, but according to a simplified scheme. Krystal will be able to buy consumables, some weapons, increase some of her parameter, and the like. 

3) I also learned how to make an interactive map, and if there really is a need for one, I will add it to the game.



I think - my tests this week can be called more than successful. And, although initially I planned to introduce them only in the third act of my game project - I think - I will find a place for some of them in the second Act as well. 

In the meantime, I will deal with the next update of my game project, in which Krystal will finally have the opportunity to get to know the Commander better (but only on the condition that she lost the battle with the enemy (but did not lose the game), or obey him, otherwise - the player will not have access to this content). I will try to do everything within 12-15 days, since I need several days to recover, coding is a very tedious process.

Thank You for Your attention and support. ^^




No rush shine this sound interesting, i personally don't mind that much the followers, the focus for is Krystal after all XD but what you have planned sounds interesting.