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I have long wanted to do something with this cat, but circumstances constantly did not allow me to do it, however, by Valentine's Day such an opportunity finally turned up, and I took advantage of it... ^^

Since the archive with not bad photos came out very voluminous - I decided to split it, and chose the most interesting photos (for my taste), for a shorter version of the Pin-Up, however, in the FULL archive - there is also something to see:

The Link On Shorter Version - http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/Pin-Up/2021%20Valentine%20Pin-Up/ShorterVersion%28PNG%29.zip

The Link On FULL Version - http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/Pin-Up/2021%20Valentine%20Pin-Up/FULL%20%28PNG%20Format%29.zip

Hope you enjoy it and Happy Valentine's Day! =^.^=

P.S. I think - within 3-4 days - I will post a video version of the last update of my game project, so those who for some reason haven't played my game based on Krystal's adventures - will also have the opportunity to see some of what happened there  
