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I decided to do an experiment, and after learning about several new image filters for Second Life - decided that I would make a Pin-Up using them. The quality of the picture may be worse than in my standard works (based on Pin-Up's), since I do not yet have much experience in setting these filters, but from the pros I can say that as you see the picture - so it is- will look the same when recording a video ( Which could be useful for my future video works).

And since not everyone liked my previous work, I decided, as a mark, that in Pin-Up there will be two of my characters at once - the Shine and the Sarah (Well, the bunny is not 100% mine, since I created it out of love for the character Jeremy Bernal, but I think - everyone know this already ^^), and Pin-Up will be some sort of X-Mas type ^^.

I think - everything should be ready in 2 days, and even as I have some technical problems already ( Bandicam do not want to rec those filters currently, maybe I will need to use another video recorder), but I think - all will be okay in the end.

Thank You for Your Attention =^.^=



Can't wait to see, also if you have an Nvidia video card in your computer you might be able to use the Nvidia recording tool


oh yes, I have, but I possible still will try to find some more understandable recorder ^^


I heard obs is also good, a few friends use it


Штош... Теперь PH точно будет копилкой для ваших видео. Он даже место освободил.


Да не, контент восстанавливаемый, однако придется пройти верификацию и отослать сканы реальных документов, но далеко не все захотят это делать...