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( WARING - This video is 100% GAY type )


 to be honest - I was thinking about cancel the work on this project (I have nothing against gays, but such type of work is not my fetish), but the order maker turned out to be a very pleasant person, and therefore, I nevertheless decided to try to make this project (however, I do not think that in the near future I will do something like that, especially if I receive negative comments about this project, and in order not to risk - I will leave this project as private type for now)...

Now, regarding the project - the story will be as follows:

Christmas holidays were just around the corner, and Pelmen (Hyena guy) had a strong desire to spend them with one of the best girls and dancers of the club, and therefore he tried to do everything in his power to make her interested in these plans, helping her in every possible way so that she had him on account. This deep night was no exception, seeing that the girl was clearly tired - Pelmen decided not to miss another opportunity, and offered help again. Namely, to take her place and dance for the client of the club, and, although this proposal was quite insane, she agreed... (((Well, and of course, as usually happens in my works, everything did not go quite the way it was originally planned ... ^^)))

I will try to do this project in a simplified way, and not bother my friends with editing the text, so I will try to complete everything in 4-5 days, but the Intro of the project is already finished, and,  to watch it - please - use this link -


Thank You for Your attention, and please - don't beat me ^.^



Don’t I won’t beat you. All I’m gonna do is beat my D 8===> 😛


hey nothing wrong with this project, it actually looks hot ;)


Well well well, isn't that Pelmeshka in naughty video :3