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Yes, at last some people, who tried to ruin my work find good spot for attack! But dont worry - as soon as possible - I will find more reliable site for uploading my vids, or..they all will be avalible in archives!

So, no reason to worry, just takes some time to *reupload part of my job!)

P.S. - video's in archives still work, which 8k bitraids. Maybe I will upload in archives video's with 4 k bitraids also, if wont find good site for uploading my vids in short time!

With respect, 

your Shine ^.^

(The reason of deleting account - some person did look my video, which was in free access on my page, and did seen where link on my patreon, and did report on such... And since youtube do not likes such links in the video (which sounds funny, since in every video on youtube you can see 5-10+ links to another resurses) - they did delete my video. And after they did seen that every of my video do have such link - they just blocked my channel! Yes, not fun, but not deadly, just will find another resurse or will use video's in archives, this is not such comfortable, but will go too!)


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