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Password -  HappyFoxxxy

(Same Login/Password are for access to *members* category on site ShineSL.Club )

 Have a pleasant viewing =^.~= 


This video file is heavy, since it in good quality here, so, for best performance video - use these tips:

- Push *play* button, after push *stop* button, wait 10-15 seconds to let video download a little, and after - push *play* button. 

- If you have slow internet speed - than you will open page with video - make right click by mouse on it, chose *save as*, download it on your computer...And watch!)

Please keep in mind: before you upload any of my works on your online resource - you should get my permission. It is not difficult to obtain, but in order to avoid conflicts - do not bother to ask. 

Thank you and...  Pleasant viewing! ^.~




<3 Now I can enjoy it immediately, I have optical fiber net \o/


Gorgeous ladies and a gorgeous video


AWww lucky you, my downloading speed is about 40KB/Sec, so to upload this video I did spend about 10 hours ^.^


Thank you, hun, and yes, I did work a lot on their shapes to make them looks like this ^^


Yay. i'm lucky now. I had a shitty internet, but now it's like 800Mb/s in download and 400Mb/s in upload X'D


Охлаждение монитора спасает кое как... Спасибо за сиё испытание для монитора.


Some of your best work yet, look forward to seeing more like it.