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Hi =^.^=,

I think that in 3-4 days I will make next upgrade of my game project, and this is going to be some set of the *Teasing* poses from Fox to Krystal ( Luckly - I still didn't forget how coding, so I think I should handle this task that soon ^^ ). 

But, to avoid You being bored - I decide to make some short teasing video project, based on part of the most interesting poses, which I will do use in game with time ( And in future I will make bigger video for sure, but only then I will finish first act of my game  first ^^ ), and, if You're curious to watch - here is directed link on it ( Don't expect to much from this project - I did it more to show part of the poses, and sex sounds, which I do planning to use in game ^^ ) -  


Thank You For Your attention, and patience =^.~= 



I wish my computer was compatible for the LOK game


oh? You have MAC? Sadly program is still can't do working version for MAC, I will need to find some one in future with MAC to make few experiments ...Maybe this experiments would help to make working version for MAC too.


Unfortunately mine is a Samsung chrome book laptop, A cheap cheap laptop


Never heard of it, but I’ll be sure to see if that helps, thank you


Oh, I really not sure that my game will work on such type of devices, but who knows, maybe what ShuraGear525 is suggested - will have a positive effect ^^


I wonder what situation you will put Krystal into? ^^


Oh, i did posted earlier some plan on the first act with fox here - https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJwIjoxfQ%3D%3D/patreon-media/p/post/35333063/8d54fa78a12a4f5e93a1f1b1e987d8df/1.png?token-time=1589228721&token-hash=RCYnQzJ0FEX7d1YAB4dxM0rNbKEVM72jubQZUoL-GH8%3D