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even despite not feeling the best of health - I'm still trying to have time to complete the project in a couple of days, however, most likely, due to the slow suburban Internet - the first thing I upload to the network - it will be gif files, and only then the main video project it self.

But the alpha version of the project is already ready (in a low quality to avoid project being stolen before it will appear on my Xvideos and PornHub pages), if you want to check it - here is the link - 


Thank You for Your attention ^^

P.S. The sad news is - possible our dogs did get some version of covid already, thanks to my dad,  which for all requests from us to comply with quarantine and certain security measures - simply does not do it. But, these are family matters, but alas - I did not manage to give all the puppies out and find a new home for them, and what will happen to them now - I find it difficult to answer. One can only hope for the best.




I hope you get well soon man


Get well soon :(


Small upgrade to news - The video is uploading on server already, but internet speed is damn slow. Still need about 15 hours to upload the video fully, so I guess - it will be online tomorrow