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I do not want to say that due to the crisis and the coronavirus, here, in my country - a complete mess is going on, but, unfortunately, so far I have also been unable to find a new house for dogs, the care of which is not difficult to guess who have been assigned to take care of those ...

Anyway, because of this reason - I stayed quite a bit in my parents' house, and, without my work computer (The one, which is my main house) - I can’t record really high quality video, and thats why I decided to spend my free time that I had - for a small update to the intro for the game project and its main menu (these are not final versions, when I will have more video materials from the game itself - I will find where to add them to the intro data) :

The first version of Intro and updated a bit game menu - http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/%21Del%20After%20Use/LOKPGAME-0.002-pc%20Intro1.zip

The second version of Intro and a bit deferent updated game menu - http://shinesl.club/CleanFolder/%21Del%20After%20Use/LOKPGAME-0.002-pc%20Intro2.zip

Feel free to leave Your opinion - which version is the most pleasant for You ^^

( I also want to say that while I was trying to find really good free intros for Sony Vegas - I grabbed so many viruses that I had to reinstall the operating system on my suburban computer ... But fortunately, I did not lose any important information, but still - the abundance of viruses on the Internet is sometimes just crazy ...)

But while I'm still at home with my parents (and 7 doggies as well O.O), I’ll try to better understand the programming language *Python*, to finally find out how use 3 channels of sounds, since, in future - I wish to make shared sounds in the game, so that players through the settings menu can turn on or off some of the sounds, if, for example, they don’t like something. like music, background sounds, etc.

I also want to say that I will also change the information in the game introduction in the future, as I am going to take into account all those who have provided me with invaluable assistance in creating the game as such =^.^=

Anyway - thanks for Your patience and support, and even though I haven’t been able to do what I did planned yet - don’t worry - I will fix it as soon as I will have such an opportunity =^.~=

P.S. My the suburban computer also does not have enough RAM in order to really change the video format good ... So when I get to my working computer - believe me - the picture in the game will be better. 




Oh and yes - no MAC version yet, but I do planning to make few experiments in future, and, as soon as I will find some people, who do have MAC and will be in mod to be part of this experiments...who knows, maybe in near future I will have working MAC version too...^^


Looking good, i personally like the first one a lot, I think you could actually call the game "Legend of Krystal: The new adventure" I feel like having the word "parody" doesn't look that good in the title but overall it looks pretty good, love the menu too.


heheh, oh ty ^^ and well, some game already had name, like you said, so technically, I just did chose a bit more safe name to use I guess ^^ (but will see, maybe I will change name a bit later ^^)