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 ((( Oh, and yes, the idea of game is based on the adventures of Krystal, and I’m sorry that I didn’t mention this before, because of which some people simply did not understand what the post was about ))) 


frankly, I did not expect that in just 5 days I’ll understand this program so well, plus more or less I understand the programming language, on which this program works, but I did it!

It was not easy, and I will even say more - at some points I literally poked a finger at the sky, trying to do one thing, but it turned out another, and this other, in the end - looked even more interesting than what I had planned initially ...

One way or another - I also ask you not to expect something beyond the natural from the project, because it was created from ZERO in 5 days, without knowledge of the program and programming language, and also - I ask you not to be afraid that some videos are played with lags - I recorded everything from the old computer, as I was again out of town, helped my relatives, and worked remotely in my main, real work.

So when it comes to the main project, it will be without cropped graphics, and lags, since I will do everything from my powerful computer, but, please note - this is quite a hard job, and will take quite a while.

I also won’t cancel work on regular video projects, as many help me on Patreon (and Pornhub & Xvideos too), but, perhaps - I'll simplify those, at least in terms of time (Will do them shorter, and maybe - will make less dialogues as well), since creation overly long projects is a hell of a difficult task, and, unfortunately, is not always justified.

One way or another - I moved away from the main topic of this message, namely - the game project!

You can download it here (No Adult Contect In this project(s) Yet, So I Posting links in open) :

-*  https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1f66mfy1t2d2c0/LOKPGAMEd-0.001-pc.zip?dl=0  * - For PC

-*  https://www.dropbox.com/s/ds2596ungyrc1hg/LOKPGAMEd-0.001-mac.zip?dl=0   * - For Mac   

And so - keep in mind - I will change nearly everything in it in the future. Namely - the screensaver will be changed, the background will also be changed, and of course - I will find other points that will require changes in order to become better. But then again, it takes time and sufficient motivation to do everything.

And ... I’ll disappear for a few days - I need to restore my breathing - I slept pretty badly over the past 5 days, so, the intro on next video project will be not sooner than in the end of the month or at the beginning of next month.

Thank you for your attention,

With respect, 

Your ShineSL =^.^=


Robert (dark441)

cool a game when comes the sex in it haha :P take a good rest


Ty, and hey... Game creation not simple, also as I need a lot of things remake as well + have duty with video creation too. But, depend on the reaction of people - I will spend more ( if reaction will be good )or less ( If they will just don't care ;s) of my remain free time on this game project ^^


wow first test look good but i would still little work becouse the music isnt good for the back round


Aww ty, and hey - I did typed in description, that this is all just for test (and some sort of demo of the gameplay too).and I will change nearly anything, than will start to work on the game it self ^^


Very impressive for just a few days of work, nicely done so far


ty ^^ and even as I still see a lot of hard moments in game creation - at last - I already understand biggest part of things, which is needed, so I'm sure - all should be good ^^... (but still, one of people did typed , that game do not work on his MAC , now I also need to find out - is this just his problem, or MAC version do not work at all. If the second one - will need to read gides again, maybe archivation of some files in the process of building did broke MAC version)


the introduction is really beautiful and clear, the music and nice and the rest and super clean for a start I can't wait to see the rest nice work :)


ty ^^ I still will remake biggest part of intro, also as will change music inside project etc. And I do not know yet - how much time this will take, to make even alpha version of video project with already adult content, since I still have duty for making video projects, but will see ^^