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First of all, I believe that the main character in the game has the right to be updated, and therefore - I made several slightly different versions of my Krystal,

which I do planning to using in game.

At the moment - I am inclined to use this model in my game, as she has the most expensive and multifunctional body, for which it is easiest to find clothes and equipment -



However, for lovers of paws and fur ( Unlike the first version - this model has a much simpler body, which is not so easy to find good clothes on, however this model has its advantages and there are no jambs with the texture of the body itself )- there’s another version that, if it doesn’t get into the game, it may well get into my other video projects -


http://shinesl.club/Another/Krystal%20Test%203%20Both%20CUMS.mp4  (both models in cums)

And of course, there is also a third version, namely, it has the body of my standard model, but with an updated head. Perhaps - I will use this model as well, but nevertheless I believe that the my classic Krystal model has the right to exist too, and with high probability - I will use exactly the classic look in my future video projects that will relate to the plot, but before the start of the story in the game -


Feel free to choose your favorite and write me your opinion about what you think about these models, However, keep in mind - this is not their final appearance, they can all be improved later ^.~

Thank you for your attention ^.^

P.S. I continue the experiments on Unity and Renpy, and I will give a report on these experiments on the weekend. I hope it will be good, but still, it's not so easy to learn such programs quickly, so don’t get mad on me if I fail to impress you. 



Lord Zero

I love what your doing here Shine! My favorite is number 2 she just looks so soft. Number 1, I feel like the body type works, but I feel like the muzzle could use work. I just feel it would look a bit better if it was extended some. To me it more resembles a bear’s muzzle than a fox. Number 3 I think would be the best test model because it’s something your used to and it could help easing into unity. Overall I’m really excited and can’t wait to see what you come up with!


The faces look really good, looks more like krystal, is there going to be a scene we’re both your character and krystal together


Looking very good :3 I prefer Version 2


ty, I like her too ^^ Even as my classic version has her own pluses - I still wish to try something new for game ^^


Aww yes, Number 3 has the most good looking body, but I did use it so many times already, so maybe still better try first from number 1 ^^. The number 2 has minimum my mods, maybe thats why I do not think to use her in game, but possible - will use her in some other projects ^^


Funny, but yeah, this could be, since my classic Krystal was on my main account, there is Shine her self, so if will be such moment in the game - my characters could meet ^^ ( but not with Sarah, since my bunny is on same account as this new Krystal)))


Do you think your game would be available on cell phones, or smart phones


not sure, if really, it's will be pretty huge in size, I more focusing on windows and linux)


Well if it’s not able to, then it has to be official, I have to get a laptop