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Well, as I typed earlier - the video will be delayed for 2 days, but, at the moment - almost everything is ready, so I think - everything should be ready on saturday, just, with high chances - I will not highlight words in dialogs in large print, to safe more time on other things. 

Oh and yes, the full set of the Gifs is already finished, to watch them - please - use this link -


 Hope - You would like them =^.~=




Happy with the gif, but not so much with the delay


Well, yes, some times delay happening, but hey...What is the standart size of my video projects? 20-25 mins. How long this video project is? About 90 mins. Sure I can cut this project on 3 parts and upload as 3 deferent projects, but I still prefer to be fair to the people, who like my content, and do not making such things.


Ty for understanding. I really would like to make more, but on this moment - the income from Patreon is not closing my needs, and therefore - I have a job in real life as well, but I still try to spend nearly all my free time to create something new here.


And they’re all fantastic I’ll tell you what 👍🏿, I only wish my artwork would be at least half as good as my writing at least


Thanks you, and, well, just do not give up, and with time - all type of work should became better ^^