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Have a pleasant viewing =^.~=

((( Important - Since an attack was made on my website - I had to transfer video files to another storage, and therefore - more serious rules for the use of such were introduced, so  please - do not try to load traffic too much, and do not download more than 1 video at a same time. I also strongly ask You not to download more than 5 videos per month (with a total size of about 15 gigabytes in month) in order to avoid Your IP address get blocked. )))

Other Notes:

This video file is heavy, since it in good quality here, so, for best performance video - use these tips:

- Push *play* button, after push *stop* button, wait 10-15 seconds to let video download a little, and after - push *play* button.

- If you have slow internet speed - than you will open page with video - make right click by mouse on it, chose *save as*, download it on your computer...And watch!)

Please keep in mind: before you upload any of my works on your online resource - you should get my permission. It is not difficult to obtain, but in order to avoid conflicts - do not bother to ask.

Thank you and...  Pleasant viewing! ^.~




after seeing this i don’t know how that girl can be with anyone else if these had canon story lines i’d consider that gbe canon relationship and ship them hard of course thats not counting her job that’s quite unavoidable that she’d do someone eventually at the end of the day he’s her lol of course that’s if there is a canon story line here


Well, it's more just naughty story of the video, than the official story of my character ( by the way, which I somehow didn’t even think about writing...), but yeah, in such stories all could lasts forever between lovers ^.~