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( Finally I made that! Sorry for delay - last weeks for me are really busy in RL )

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Password -  HappyFoxxxy

Have a pleasant viewing =^.~=

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This video file is heavy, since it in good quality here, so, for best performance video - use these tips:

- Push *play* button, after push *stop* button, wait 10-15 seconds to let video download a little, and after - push *play* button.

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Thank you and...  Pleasant viewing! ^.~




i wish i was that guy


i’m actually quite needy and geeky myself i love games and unlike most people i went to school with i actually gave a shit about the classes i took and have an overwhelming thirst for knowledge so i can easily see myself in that guy’s position if i was single i would’ve probably done the same things as him if that scenario actually happened


i would really love to see a continuation of this where the brother joins the fun


heheh, will see, this video was made on order, if really, and in private version is no any brother at all ^^ (but I won't post it there, since the text in it a bit to naughty for this site))


Always nice to see Shine pleasured :3