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Hi =^.^=,

I did planed to post this stuff about 3 days ago, but real life work and duties who have accumulated during my time in the hospital - just didn't let me focus on anything else.

Anyway, now I again have time, and will starting to work on my next project (Intro on which You will see in 4-5 days), but, before that - I want to test on You (sorry for that^^) the newly shortened version of my last project, to finally find out - are such video projects worth living, or is it not worth spending time on such things.

I did upload two a bit deferent versions (In the fifth minute of one the videos - the music is added to the background), and I would like to hear Your opinion - is the project more interesting if it looks with music or not?...

The links on the project :

With Music after 5 mins of video - 


With Out music after 5 mins of the video -


Waiting for Your thoughts and feedback in the comments to this post, and thanks in advance for Your time =^.~=

P.S. Creating such projects does not take much time, no more than 2-3 hours, since I already work with ready-made material, which just need to sort and build a little differently the video line (with sounds & dialogues), so it won't affect my overall work much.




hm hard to say, i think in this vid where she is in a strip club musik is good / better. when there is a vid for example Crystal crashed on a planet in the woods, no musik and instead some bird sounds something wood like is ok / better. it depends on the situation.


Yes, I know that some times nature is better, but youp, all depend on the situation ^^...And what about project it self? With out story and with out part of the video - it's looks more easy for make naughty things, or still, original projects works just fine for such porpurse? ^^


hm that is hard to say 2. i really enjoy the story. butt if it takes to much time, and is not worth what you are earning, i would just stick with die dialog.


Dialogues make harder, if really, since my english is so so, and it's not so simple to make in every dialogue some interesting meaning. I do typing story windows for 1-2 hours, and on dialogues I do kill more than 6-8 hours, all depend of timeline of the video ^^