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Hi ^^,

Sadly, I do not see part of my Patrons in the main list of Patrons, since possible their 2+ last pledges did not pass, so I do wish to ask 

- Mr. Derek Martin

- Mr. Stormy Skies

- Mr. Megas Blaziken

- Mr. Choco

to check their payment method, since possible with it something goes wrong. 

Thanks you!)

P.S. Link on helping center - https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us  , and if You won't find answer there - You could ask for help direct from Patreon support here - https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=70716   

Thanks again!)



Might be the same issue I have occasionally, they don't have the money at the time.


Well, then it will be a more simple problem to solve, if this is not glutches of Patreon, ofcouse ^^