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Well, about 30 hours ago I did get message from Patreon about that my page is temporarily suspended, and in hour or so after I did fix all what could be the reason of such (even as in past I had conversation with Patreon Support, and they said that it's okay to have such links on page - I did remove them as well anyway).

After I made these changes - I did inform Patreon Support by two emails about that also more close to 28-29 hours ago, but still - no even single reply from them. 

I do not know what to think, if really, since it's end of the month, why they decide to make such thing in this moment?... Why did not chose more comfortable date for all, to not make any panic and problems to the creators?...

Anyway, I will hope on better ending of this situation, just informing you, guys, that I already did all what I could to restone my page just in time.

Thanks for reading,

Your ShineSL




it happened to a lot of nsfw creators :((


Yeah, I know, hope their pages will be fixed too, since end of the month, and Patreon tech support do work only 2 more hours in this day...