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Hi =^.^=,

Well, I finally did make upgrade which I did planned to, and, with Your help and with spending of a part of my vacation money - I purchased this machine =^.~=

I already did test it, and well - it is really do giving me my 60+ needed fps, even than I do recing nearly high quality objects with good textures, and I gonna show this deference in my Christmas video projects ( One gonna be finished&Posted till Christmas, and second one gonna be after New year)

But I still will need to spend some time to learn some new things to make the camera movement very smooth, so gonna be past some time before I would start to use my 3d navigator mouse in the video projects =^.^=...

Thanks for Your time and Your help,

Your Naughty ShineSL =^.^=

P.S. Delays with posting video projects should not be, but I again do using services of my friend for my story fix (text), so I'll have to wait until my editor finishes her work, but possible - last video project on my old computer will be posted on next week, in the middle of it, but still - till Christmas - I will post two finished video projects for sure :P




:-D Hammer, the universal tool


I am happy for you :))


hehe thanks ^.^ Well, I'm not a gamer - do not play in new games, but for video creation it's should help me a lot in future =^.~=


Congrats <3 Now you should set you a new goal for the future!


Thanks ^.^ Well, it's wasn't a goal to buy new computer,if really. It was a goal to buy new computer for make ability to do better content, so with time it's should be much better ^.~...

Janja TLK



whoa this animation looks so realistic. Oh wait