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Shieldon and Bastiodon are here!

Yeah, okay, I'm not going to pretend like that's the most fantastic Bastiodon head I could have made, but it is the best Bastiodon head I could make in the time that I had to make this, that is, if I wanted these two to be out tonight, before the end of the month. In saying that, however, there's very little that can be done to get the exact shape, since for some reason a certain someone who will not be named NEVER updated their mod to include more basic shapes but whatever.

The only thing I'm actually annoyed with is the coloring. Rather, it's a specific "illusion" that happens with pixel art where our eyes sort of blend the shadows and highlights together, giving us a "new" color that isn't actually there. What I mean is, when you use the eyedropper tool, the color you select won't look good by itself. You need the shadows, the highlights, the "blend", or things get sort of, well, monotone. Literally just that. It's all the same.

The reason it's annoying is because it makes it quite difficult to match the colors properly. Perhaps it can't really be seen at face value, but it bugs me because I've been staring at it for hours and now I can't "not" see it. Like, for example, doesn't Bastiodon's shield have a sort of purple hue to it? Maybe it's just my eyes but it looks purple-ISH. But it's not. It's like, greenish-blue. But that color doesn't work, it comes out wrong when applying it to the shield. It's weird. I don't know how to describe this beyond the colors just don't add up. So I just manually played with colors until it looked alright.

And now you know why this one took longer than it should have (but not as long as it could have, if I spent another day or two on their shields, armors, etc).

Either way.. Enjoy! :3



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