Re-Dawned (Patreon)
Dawn has been reworked!
It's actually been roughly a year since Dawn has been out and since then some mods have come out specifically for her - her own hat (well, a better designed one), hair clippings, her Poketch, and bag, which have all been added and fitted appropriately - oh, and her scarf, of course!
The usual face and body readjustments have been made.
Alongside that, her outfit has been slightly approved across all outfit slots. Material Edit changes, some skirt scale adjustments, fresh pair of underwear, etc. Her Club Activities outfit (which was previously a custom made Akari outfit) has been updated with the Akari outfit used in this past release. And her sleepwear has been made super comfy.
The only thing left unchanged is her Lola Bunny cosplay, because it's cute.
Her hair is also slightly adjustable between options 19 and 20. Turn both off but include the hat (Sub accessories) for a more Art-accurate display. Hat on with 19 on for some bangs. And Hat off and 19 off but 20 on for a more natural, hatless, look.
Anyways, experiment and enjoy!