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Wow, 2022 already? Where the hell did time go? Well, time flies when having fun, and after 950+ cards created, we sure have a lot to look back on, but also a ton still to look forward to. While much of this past year has been focused on reworks and random Moemon from different Generations, this year we'll be focusing on new stuff, though some reworks will be thrown in (particularly for Gen 1), there's some new sprites to work with for Gens 4 and 5 (and beyond) that we can finally work with.

And that's where we're headed to this month. While Gen 1, 2 and 3 starters have all been available for sometime, when we arrived at Gen 4 we hit a bit of a snag. The sprites were not complete for the starters, and some of the rest of Gen 4 was missing, which led to some Moemon being released but others postponed until they were made available, and the same happened with Gen 5 and beyond.

Piplup, Prinplup and Empoleon were released earlier this year, the only Gen 4 Starter family to see life. Skipping Gens 5 and 6, only Litten's (Gen 7) and Scorbunny's (Gen 8) families were later released, leaving a gap in between them all. Very unprofessional!

But it's time for Gen 4 and 5 starters to make an appearance! The final piece was Emboar, and she finally reached an acceptable stage just the other week. Now let's take a look at the other sets coming this month and next.

Just put Piplup in again for comparison. For Turtwig's line, there are some obvious problems - the accessories they have will not be added like in the sprite. That's more for Studio work. Instead, the pieces will be incorporated into them more akin to the actual Pokemon. So think of.. Ent-like girls, I guess. I'll figure that out later.


Also, in light of Legends: Arceus being released later this month, I might take the opportunity to rework the Cyndaquil line, which does have new sprites since the last release.

Seeing as how Cyndaquil is one of the 3 starters for the Legends: Arceus game (next to Oshawott and Rowlett), it feels fitting. Rowlett unfortunately doesn't have a spriteset ready yet, and I actually might want to do something special with Cyndaquil to make it more.. Hisuian-appropriate, if you know what I mean.

Beyond the starters, there are a few trainers that may appear as well, particularly from Gen 4 and 5. But no set schedule for that, yet.

Lastly, of course, we're continuing with our Legendary lineup.

Groudon was just released and Kyogre / Rayquaza are due up soon (literally working on both as of this moment!) with their Shiny versions to follow in a separate post. After that, their Primal versions.

Finally, because I am eternally at the mercy of the Moemon artists themselves and I must work within the confines of their priorities, a certain other set may see a massive rework soon, once all members are finished and their Shiny forms are available.

I won't replace the old set, but another set of EX versions would be awesome. Especially because I've been wanting to make this Umbreon for like a year now..

All of which are done by fuwu, which are incredible as usual! I think Glaceon was done too, but I'm a bit too lazy to go hunting for her. It's not easy digging through the discord sometimes, yknow.

Anyways, I think that's all there is to report for now on the upcoming previews. I will say, we are a bit behind schedule since I actually took a couple of days off for Christmas Eve/Day since we had a surprise family gathering this year. And because I had to upgrade one of my old 256gb SSDs to a full 1tb SSD, which took several hours to back up everything and reinstall KK RX12 and other programs/stuff.

I actually lost my entire Moemon back up folder too, so, that's fun - thankfully it SHOULD still be on the old drive, so eventually I'll have to recover that to upload some missing cards to the Mega. For now it SHOULD all be available here on Patreon.

That's all for now I think.

Happy New Years, everyone!



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