Ruddy Haired Drago (Patreon)
Druddigon is here!
You know I always do extensive research when working on new Moemon releases, since there's always tons of things to learn from different Dex entries, abilities, egg moves, and even little trivia pieces that tell a lot about a particular Pokemon. In this case, although I don't know if it was ever directly said, I learned that Dragons seem to be weak to Ice-type since Dragons/Dragon-Types are based on Reptiles, which are cold-blooded, and only generate heat from the sun. Which is why early in the morning it's much easier to catch lizards or other repitles before they "warm up" from the sun. They can barely move! Which is actually something mentioned in it's dex entry:
Which I think is neat. There's always been little things like that in the games that are never REALLY out-right said, but implied. Like, have you ever wondered why Psychic is weak to Dark, Bug, and Ghost types? Most of you probably know this already, but Psychic, being a "mental" typing, is "weak" to common "phobias" - fear of the dark, fear of ghosts, or fear of bugs / arachnophobia. While there are real life phobias of things like flying, or deep sea diving (water), or of fire, etc, I don't think they wanted to go overboard with it's weaknesses.
Also, it does explain why Psychic is strong vs Fighting ("Mind over Matter")
Anyways, rambling over. Enjoy!