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Spearow and Fearow have been reworked!

A lot of work has gone into these two, and I consider this the definitive edition, meaning with the exception of possible fixes in the future (such as mods getting repackaged and moved around, missing hairs, etc), I won't be updating these any further, also possibly for Shiny versions, but we'll see about that later.

Spearow is not much different than her original design, though her new release here features an entirely new model, as the standard has increased dramatically in the year+ since Spearow originally released. Of course, she also actually has a full outfit set now, and her shiny new card.

Most of the work was done with Fearow, however, as she has an entirely new design. Compare the above sprites to the older versions below:

Additionally, while I did not plan on releasing Shiny versions with this release, I did have a little fun in color-editing the new sprites with a Dark format:

While I did not bother with Spearow for now, I did recolor and slightly redesign a Dark Fearow version here:

Dark Fearow (like other Dark Pokemon) are based off the Pokemon cards of the same name, which are typically associated with Team Rocket. While they don't actual alter in coloration, I think this adds a little visual expression to their naughty side. Dark Fearow's hair is slightly different in coloration from regular Fearow, with Dark Fearow's hair "blending" in color smoother (I thought about applying that to regular Fearow, but it did not match her sprite - if you wish to alter the original Fearow, open Dark Fearow's hair in material editor, extract the Color Mask, and import that into Fearow's hair).

Also, Dark Fearow has a sluttier secondary outfit.

Because why not?

Cards are attached below!




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