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Hey everyone!

Season 3 has now officially ended, although much like with Season 2, there are a few Gen 3  Moemon yet to be released, for differing reasons. Some due to low popularity, like Luvdisc, others because their sprites were yet to be finished (or were in a Work-In-Progress state), such as the Duskull family, and others because I accidentally skipped over them and didn't find a good time to release them, like Skitty/Delcatty!

There's also a good amount of old releases that have seen sprite reworks that are absolutely amazing, and I've been wanting to rework them for awhile. Some, also, have just been in need of a rework because of how outdated they are, while also being popular Moemon or trainers.

Given that, before we officially start Season 4, I wanted to take some time to work on some unfinished business and release a few choice Moemon, most of which will be reworks, but some may be all new.

In other words, for at least the next month, this is the period that shall be known as "releasing whatever the hell I feel like working on most", instead of sticking to a strict schedule of releases by Route, like before.

Because of the unusual nature of this release schedule, instead of a full breakdown of planned releases, I'll post a few examples of what to expect.

Let's talk about some reworks, first off.

Our first example is the Spearow family. Spearow was last released.. who knows how long ago. A year? Two? Anyways, let's compare the old sprites versus the new:

It may be subtle, but Spearow has been polished up quite nicely, with tiny details added, like on her jacket. Fearow, on the other hand, has had a huge transformation, which I'm excited to work on and design, particularly with that beautiful hair.

Similarly, Rattata is only polished up, while Raticate has an entirely new design, and a more fitting one, I think (why did a "maid" Raticate even make sense?)

Here's where things get tricky. While I absolutely love these new ones (particularly Arbok's hair), there are actually alternate versions of this:

These are ones I actually prefer, what with the whole "monster girl" aspect being fully portrayed, rather than just "girl in cosplay" -- unfortunately, as it happens with Koikatsu, tails are not the best in this game. However, I may base the designs off the original above, while adding in the tail for the secondary outfit slot, though with obvious clipping. Adding it into Studio with FK control is obviously much more preferable.

By the way, I colored that one in above myself, since they weren't available. Instead, we had this:

The Shiny versions, which, of course, I WILL be making with the original designs, because that color is strikingly mesmerizing.

There's also a few that got Sprite reworks in later Gens as well. I won't go into all of them, but there is one I HAVE to mention.


I made a big stink about how I did not like the Walrein design at all, even though I did my best to recreate it and give it SOME appeal - I just really didn't like it. For a reminder, here's what she looks like:

I hate it.

I hate everything about it. It's not the fat - I'm not going to body shame a Walrus, besides, more cush'in for the push'in and all that, whatever. My problem is the hair. What the fuck is going on there? Tell me, what color is her hair? Blue? Grey? And what are those random yellow tusks jutting out from? Are they earrings? are they strands of hair? So she has yellow hair? And what the FUCK is going on with that "cap" on her head? Why is there a little hole at the top for a little poof of blue hair to stick out of?

It's stupid.

Anyways, literally LESS THAN ONE WEEK after I release the Walrein family, someone comes out and releases this:

Oh, that's so much fucking better. WHY COULDN'T YOU POST IT A WEEK EARLIE- Nevermind. I can't complain, I'm not associated with them anyways~

So, yeah, this bitch is getting reworked ASAP.


Let's talk briefly about some cards that did not have sprites to begin with, but will be seeing a future rework. Namely, certain trainer cards.

Awhile back I teased off Team Rocket - Jessie and Jamie, to be exact.

These ones.

They actually are done - I hate to say that I've been stalling on releasing them, but I actually planned on doing a "set" release of them. With a rework of Meowth as well as releasing, finally, Wobbuffet. You know, like the anime.

But in planning that, I realized I should also release Wynaut alongside Wobbuffet, to complete the set, as well as updating Persian alongside Meowth, since she has long since had a new sprite:

While, of course, since I wanted to update Persian as well, I thought, "Well, wait a minute, I should update Giovanni too!" And so, I began working on Giovanni. She's been a work-in-progress, but was coming along really nicely.

Then I thought, well, wait, I should just release the whole Rocket set, at least including Ariana and Archer - both of which are actually mostly done as well.

But then I also wanted to finally update Mewtwo, because, you know, Giovanni. But Mewtwo should be part of the Gen 1 set - you know, along all the other Legendaries. And the other Legendaries all have Sprite updates, so I started working on them and--

You get the idea. I got swamped, and I pushed it off.

Not anymore. They'll be out soon.

(As well as others.. cough cough, Kanto Gym Leaders, cough cough..)


Besides that, there's a few other things I want to release that may or may not be Moemon related. For example, I made Ahri from League of Legends not too long ago - here's a preview:

I just never released her. She was mostly for my own personal enjoyment, because, well, she's muh waifu. But I'm sure others would like her as well, so I plan to push her out soon as well, when I can fit her in.

I have some others, some of them that are originals, that I'm not sure when they'll be ready or when I'll release them, but ultimately this is what the idea is going forward the next month or so, basically remove the strict schedule and have some fun with some popular releases. You know, stuff I actually feel motivated to work on. It helps prevent me from burning out, too.


All of this said, this doesn't necessarily mean we won't see any future Generation Moemon in this time period. Gen 4, not quite yet (even though we already have released a few of them, such as Tangrowth, Mismagius, etc). I won't go into details about what I'm planning since I want to keep it open ended, but here's a little teaser of what I'm thinking:

Can you guess, Who Are Those Very Obvious Moemon?!


I think that about covers everything for now. I'm still recovering from an on and off sickness, so far it hasn't impacted me too much though. Just really tired, and cold. Otherwise I feel fine.

By the way, the above scene is replicating this scene from Pokemon Generations:


I've attached the scene below, for fun.




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