Team Magma Dames (Patreon)
Team Magma Admin Courtney is here, alongside a remade Vulpix and Ninetails!
I'll be honest, Courtney has the dumbest fucking outfit I've ever seen. What's even going on there? What are the flaps for? Why so many flaps? I did my best to recreate it, though this is obviously not truly capable with this game lmao. Still, I had fun with her other outfits as well, as with Shelly, there was some effort put into designing them.
By the way, her hair is actually inverted on the X-plane, to -0.9, to mirror it so that it matches the official art. I wasn't expecting this to work, since I've tried to do that with hair pieces in the past, and the coloration comes out all wonky. So hopefully there's no issues with that.
Vulpix and Ninetales have been on my radar to remake for a very, very long time. In fact, even early on when we were updating some of the older ones to keep them in line, I actually stopped just short of Vulpix/Ninetales, making these two, technically, the most outdated cards we had.
There isn't much to say about them however, since, for once, KK provides many of their base materials as-is, so there's not a lot of trickery performed to get them looking right. That is to say, Vulpix's outfit for example is perfectly available as the Archery garb, while Ninetales has no shortage of tail options (btw, I considered using the Naruto "nine tails" import for her, but it lacked physics :P)
Here are the cards:
Magma Admin Courtney -
#037 Vulpix -
#038 Ninetales -
*tempted to do shiny versions of these later*
That's all for now, enjoy!
We have another brutal heatwave here in CA, we nearly hit record temps, as we peaked at 116 F (47 C), it was HELL. My power barely came back on late last night, but I was so exhausted from the heat, I just blasted my AC and dropped dead asleep.
As I say this, today will be the same exact temperature so I need to quickly get things done right now before that sun gets too high up in the sky - so see you at the next drop!