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Hey everyone!

Sorry for the late night and twice-delayed update, but the casual nature of this project means when I have a new idea, I jump on it like a bitch in heat - well, that's what happened with the Easter update at least. But aside from that.. There's been lots of technical difficulties lately. I'm not sure what it is, but issues started popping up after updating to ScrewThisNoise's newest RX4 update. It may be something on my end, but it has cost me some set backs.

For example, in the last update, I promised that Route 101 would be released once it was finished. Unfortunately, something has altered with one of the updates (either RX4 or Sideloader mod) and all the trees in that scene broke, and it looks disgusting. So it has to be made from the ground up - and it's hardly worth it at that point.

Second, just today actually, I was creating a scene and spent some time on it, and after trying to save it, KK Studio actually crashed and the data was corrupted - that's never happened before! So naturally I lost 2 hours worth of work today. Lame. But, I reworked a scene and was able to recreate it (you'll see it at the bottom of this post). Still, it set me back and now this post is coming out.. just before midnight!

There's been some other issues - Catbox, KK Creator, Studio, general PC issues, it's all very frustrating. So, if there are delays in the future - I hope you understand why. Anyways...

There's not much to report IRL, it looks like we're going to just be bunkered down for quite some time. So, I wanted to express my continued gratitude for all of your support - it means a lot, especially during these difficult times. But as is the nature of a crisis, should money get tight and you need to pull out, I'd totally understand. Take care of yourselves first!

Meanwhile, I'll be continuing this project whenever you return!

For now, let's take a peak at what's ahead.

What's Next?

I'm currently working on a lot of different things that should see a release sometime soon, I just want to pace it out so they have time to marinate - one of them is not Moemon/Pokemon related, so it's more of a bonus I did on my spare time, that I'll upload soon!

But here's what's on our regular schedule!

The Whismur family is due up soon. At the moment, I want to get them out on Tuesday, but as these are some of my favorites, I want to put great care into them - and actually make Shiny versions, since the Shiny versions have lovely coloration! So, seeing as how that would take some more time, Whismur family may come out Thursday instead.

Surskit and Masquerin are also due up. While Surskit has a rather simplistic design (I mean.. have you seen her actual Pokemon sprite?) Masquerin is quite a bit more elaborate. Her wings in particular are something I want to get just right, but otherwise, I can already envision her outfit and hairstyle coming together.

The Nincada family is another I've been looking forward to. Nincada has an absolutely adorable sprite, and Ninjask/Shedinja have some awesome designs that I can't wait to create. Shedinja in particular has a very ghastly skin color, and I really need to start expanding on that front..

Next up is the Dewford Gym Leader! And no, it isn't Brawly.. He's retired.

In his place is the beautiful Battle Girl Shauna!


Well, she was in the anime:

And you fought her in Pokemon Emerald:

And in ORAS, both times in Brawly's Gym:

Look, I need an excuse to use these trainers as well as filling in slots for the Male Gym Leaders.

In fairness, I did find some genderswap art of Brawly, a woman named Bella:

If you'd like me to have Bella as the Leader, with Shauna as simply a trainer in the gym, I can make both - let me know in the comments. If not, I'll focus mainly on Shauna!

Either way, released with them I haven't quite yet decided - it may be Meditite/Medicham or Makuhita/Hariyama, or maybe all four plus Bella and Shauna! Who knows! We'll see!

And last but not least...

It's been raining more and more, with large storms raging non-stop. The waters have been stirring around Hoenn lately, and a beast lurks beneath the waves, ready to awaken...

Kyogre will awaken soon!

That's all for now - catch you next time!


March 28th - Emerald Pack! (Brooke + Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile)

March 31st - [Route 104] Birbs of Prey! (Taillow + Swellow)

April 3rd - Team Aqua Grunts! (Various Team Aqua Grunts)

April 6th - [Route 104] Gullwings! (Wingull + Pelipper)

April 9th - [Petalburg Woods] Shroomiez! (Shroomish + Breloom)

April 13th - [Rustboro City Gym] Roxanne Rocks!~ ! (Roxanne + Nosepass)

April 16th - Easter Special! (Buneary + Lopunny)



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