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Misdreavus & Mismagius is here!

Moira's battle team of Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar were filled up, so the only other Ghost Pokemon released in Gen 2 (and her evolution) felt appropriate to release!

Misdreavus has a lot of accessories, mainly to make her necklace, but Mismagius is oddly light on accessories - didn't need much to make her appearance. Their default outfits, shown above, cover their secondary slots, although Mismagius' secondary slot is an alternate version, more closely aligned with her sprite.

Let's take a peak.

First, their secondary slot (Misdreavus unchanged):

Their Gym Uniform:

Their swimsuits:

And their sleepwear:

Might try this format again in the future, particularly when I begin to put more effort into their non-default outfits!

Anyways, here's their cards!

#200 Misdreavus - https://files.catbox.moe/acdga4.png
#429 Mismagius - https://files.catbox.moe/mwmu9w.png 

#200 Misdreavus (Shiny) - https://files.catbox.moe/9m333i.png
#429 Mismagius (Shiny) - https://files.catbox.moe/tx51s1.png 


Behind-the-Scenes Note: I just realized I spent a lot of time in the MatEditor for the "city map" used in the screenshot above, plucking out unneeded parts, coloring it to be darker, etc etc.. the amount of work I put into the studio just so we can have nice screenshots! ..totally worth it though! :P



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