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"Shadow Lugia is believed to be the ultimate Shadow Pokémon and completely immune to purification. As a sign of this corruption, its appearance is different from that of a normal Lugia, unlike other Shadow Pokémon who appear normal but possess a shadowy aura."

Similar to yesterday's Dark Ariados, Shadow Lugia follows the same concept in design, but different (mainly) in the name. For Moemon Lore purposes, we'll say Dark Moemon are those who are trained to do evil, whereas Shadow Moemon are forcefully converted, like slaves. And for all intents and purposes, Shadow Lugia may be the only "Shadow" version - but that's just the name. File 'em all under "Dark"!

While largely similar to regular Lugia, like Dark Ariados, Shadow Lugia has different coloration, slightly different clothing and hair. 

#249 Lugia (Shadow) - https://files.catbox.moe/exp3yh.png 

I want to explore this concept more, as unlike the Dark Pokemon, which come wholly from the TCG (Trading Card Game), the Shadow Pokemon originate from the Gamecube game, Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, and as such, has characters specifically to the franchise, such as Lovrina, Ardos, Venus, the protagonist, or the protagonist's mother.

For now, enjoy!




A suggestion: you could do the Colosseum Protag (Genderbent) with the gen 2 eevee evolutions