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Our favorite thief is here, Silver, also known as.. Silver!

Fun fact, Silver has never appeared in the anime show (except once in a Japanese-only appearance, barely a cameo), and thus has no actual English "name" like Gary or Ash does (he has a counterpart named Tsubaki, though). Instead, he is simply known as 'Silver' in both the game and the manga (although he ALSO goes by Black in another version..)

I actually always thought Silver was a girl, perhaps because of the long hair or the tsundere attitude, something just said "feminine", not sure. But appearance wise, it works, so we'll be using the official sprites for Silver's card (mainly because fan ones don't exist).

That said, there is a piece of fan art does exist of Silver, though I'm not sure what they were going with, and the forum/post itself didn't exactly indicate this was genderswap, but rather, crossdressing.. Er, whatever.

I'm ashamed to admit I did NOT give Silver a maid outfit, I wasn't thinking about it, and now it's too late! Well, it's not, I COULD fix it right now, but.. ehh..

Silver does contain some unique clothing that was a pain in the ass to make, check it out here:

This is for her main, Default "Boy" clothing, which is replicating this piece here:

While this is the default one, her main outfit is her secondary slot, which is a more feminine version of the above, seen in the screenshots at the top. Here's the card!

Player Silver-  https://files.catbox.moe/dd0byq.png 

Enjoy. The Totodile family is up next, but it will be a bit later tonight (remember, I'm west coast, it's barely lunch time here!) - so I apologize for the slight delay today!



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