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This is my city, Dnipro. Just a week ago. The ground trembled under my feet during the explosion. In the photographs, you can see a russian missile hitting a residential building. It's not very far from where I live. Many people at this time were at home with their children. 46 dead people at the moment, some people still missing. In general, during the day, the russians launched 3 air and about 50 missile strikes.
Last night, they were again bombing us, and our electric system again damaged.

A few days ago in my There was an incident in my apartment building. A couple of floors up, a deserter from the army set off three bombs in the apartment and opened fire with a machine gun. My heart almost skipped a beat with fear. It all started with the fact that this idiot got drunk and began to quarrel with the neighbors, who soon called the police. Then he started shooting at the police. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Damaged only apartment, which this freak rented for three days. Unfortunately, in wartime, it is very difficult to control the flow of weapons, and this is not an isolated case. The most disgusting thing is that in addition to the enemy in the form of the Russian army, there are also black sheep among us.

Stay safe, my friends. Your life and family are the most important things that you have.

With love, Moriel.

P.S.: I'm almost finished with a new Dishonored set for the bedroom! Hope to share it on the weekend, if I'll have electricity in my flat lol




Oh my God that is so terrifying I can't even imagine! I'm glad you're safe! ❤


That is absolutely horrifying and I'm so upset to hear of stories like this when things are already so hard every single day. Indeed there are black sheep among us, and we all must be careful. In the face of evil, we must remember it is resilience, kindness, and unity that stands strong against even the worst monsters that lurk in the shadows. It is that inherent goodness within that brings light in the darkest of times, and it is what keeps our humanity alive no matter how much those bastards throw at you. But this is also very close to home for you, in the most literal of senses, and that is no easy thing to endure. The evil all of Ukraine is fighting right now uses such underhanded and egregious tactics because they fear the strength of the Ukrainian people and they believe they must break that strength by targeting civilians. The only tactics they know is fear and evil. But these pigs make the same mistake again and again, because what Russia and Putin can never even begin to comprehend is that every single bullet, every missile, every land mine, tank, soldier and rotten soulless bastard they throw at Ukraine makes ALL of Ukraine fight back even harder. A user on reddit shared a quote from his mother that brought me to tears: "They thought they could tear us apart with this war, but they have only glued all of Ukraine together and our unity is stronger than ever." I feel this in my bones. I see it in the face of every soldier. I hear it in the voice of every brother and sister who have taken refuge in safer regions. Like a weapon forged in fire, we tamper the steel and harden it in a bath of integrity, honour, and tenacity. For all of Ukraine, let the blade be sharp as a tiger's claw. Let the steel be strong as the might of the bear. Let the soul be as unbreakable as the mountain. Let the voice of all be as powerful as the nightengale so ALL of Russia may hear: "We will not bend, nor break, or flinch in fear. We will give not one inch of earth, and we will never stop fighting, because Ukraine is ALL of Ukraine united together and forged by the fire of a unity Russia will never be able to grasp, and no evil they throws into this war will change that because Ukraine is more than land and borders. Ukraine is the spirit of her people, and her people are unbreakable. The bonds are not that of fear and hate, like Russia is. They are bonds of family, and while Ukraine fights for her survival, these ватник bastards of Ruzzia are only fighting to die. And it is why they will lose this war. Not one Ukrainian soul that they have taken from this world will have been lost in vain. We will make every single one count, and we will honour them by rising from the ashes of the cities that have been devastated, like a pheonix born again---stronger than ever. Please keep safe, сестра. Stay strong. It is your strength and kindness that keeps the people around you strong, and it is your unity that has shown Russia how foolish they are to underestimate why Ukraine as a people have remained a distinct culture and identity from Russia for thousands of years, and no matter how hard they try to pretend that isn't the case, the whole world knows the truth. Слава Україні! Героям слава!! 💙💛🦋🇺🇦💪💪💪


Thank you so much for your speech, it really inspires and fills me with energy. I have nothing to add to your words, bravo! We will hold on to the last. Thank you for your care. 💙💛

Aruelle Fernandez

Praying for your safety and family 🙏🏻


Please stay safe, I absolutely love your custom content, but your life is so much more important than CC. Take your time and please take good care of yourself. <3


The strength and resilience of the Ukrainian people is an inspiration for us all. You fight the evil for us all. Hugs from Stockholm.


Please stay safe. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.