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Ok, I got to admit...it's not a 'Christmasy' subject but the video is done, so it goes into early access.  In this video, I look at the German rearmament process and the lack of progress on procuring ammunition for the Bundeswehr to use. Although €100bn have been set aside to get the German Armed Forces to their nominal strength, estimates assume that up to €20bn are required just to be in line with NATO stockpile guidelines. It's a monumental task, so let me take you through the current developments.

Since today is the 24th December, it's Christmas where I am from. Merry Christmas (and regional equivalent) to you all, have a fantastic holiday, and a successful start into 2023! Thank you so much for the support!

P.S.: Remember, there are a whole bunch of videos still in early access for your viewing pleasure! Amongst them are:

How Ukraine took Drones to the Next Level https://youtu.be/Yl3V2nEb1ck

  • The Ukrainian-Russian war has resulted in much discussion on the  tactical and operational use of drones (UAV & RPA) but where does  Ukraine's capabilities come from? Join Chris as he talks to Dr. Julia Muravska about the impact of the 2014 conflict on Ukraine's emerging  drone industry, the current developments in terms of R&D and  construction, as well as further potential of collaboration with NATO and the EU.

The Arctic goes hot: Chances for escalation https://youtu.be/JlxiDYPaywY

  • Between growing tensions with Russia, the emergence of China as a  self-declared Arctic protagonist, the vulnerability of data cables and  the thawing of the ice as part of global warning, the Arctic is a  theater that provides some real challenges to NATO. Join Chris as he talks to Arun Dawson (PhD Student, King's College London) about the Arctic.

Heads in sand? Why Western Air Power is so SLOW to changehttps://youtu.be/deibquob5bA

  • How do Air Forces stay future proof and prepare for a future conflict if  its experiences lie in the past. From internal and external barriers to change, shifting the focus and maintaining consistency in its decisions  is a critical challenge that all branches of the military struggle  with. Join Chris as he talks to Dr. Sophy Antrobus (Research Fellow with  the Freeman Air and Space Institute) about this challenge and about the ways it is being tackled.

Air Power: What MUST change? Spreadsheet logic vs Resilience https://youtu.be/8fLBK-hGmcs

  • After more than two decades of peace in Europe and complete air  superiority in its foreign deployments, western air forces now confront  the possibility of a renewed peer-to-peer adversary. How has this period  of peace impacted Air Forces, what are the main problems on  recruitment, platform-centricity and focusing on efficiency over  resilience and flexibility? Join Chris as he talks to Dr. Sophy Antrobus  (Research Fellow with the Freeman Air and Space Institute) about the  current challenges facing western Air Forces.

Why the Russian Air Industry is Kaput: https://youtu.be/Rfw36TxC2Ks

  • The Russian Air Industry keeps (or kept) on pushing new concepts and  prototypes, but what do we find below the the public bling-bling? Join Chris as he talks to independent analyst Stanimir Dobrev on the state of the Russian air industry.

All the best Chris



The German Armed Forces are on low ammunition stocks and the €100bn special fund initially only made limited provisions for new ammo. Join Chris as he chats about German rearmament, bureaucratic processes, political infighting and future spending plans for the Germany army, air force and navy. - Check out my books - Ju 87 Stuka - http://stukabook.com STG-44 Assault Platoon - http://sturmzug.com German Panzer Company 1941 - http://www.hdv470-7.com/ Achtung Panzer? Zur Panzerwaffe der Wehrmacht - http://panzerkonferenz.de/ - Support - Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/join/MilAvHistory Channel Memberships: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmpahmxWXajV0-tuMMzSzAg/join PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/MilAvHis - Social Media - Twitter: https://twitter.com/MilAvHistory Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milaviationhistory/ - Sources - Deutscher Bundestag, Drucksache 20/3101 – Unterrichtung durch die Bundesregierung Finanzplan des Bundes 2022 bis 2026, 5. Aug 2022 Deutscher Bundestag, Drucksache 20/4509 – Antwort der Bundesregierung der Fraktion der CDU/CSU: Munition in der Bundeswehr – Aktueller Sachstand, Bedarfe und Planungen, (Vorabfassung), 14.Nov 2022 Haushalt 2023, Ergebnis der Beratung im Haushaltsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages, Epl. 14. via Augengeradeaus.net, available at https://augengeradeaus.net/2022/11/weg-fuer-verteidigungshaushalt-2023-und-sondervermoegen-frei-aufstockung-der-mittel-fuer-munition-neufassung/ [last accessed 22/12/2022] Visual: DOD / NATO The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. - Timecodes - 00:00 - Special fund: but for what? 02:59 - Special funds and (no?) ammo orders 08:59 - Short-term/ long-term: what and when do you buy? - Audio - Music and Sfx from Epidemic Sound #militaryaviationhistory #bundeswehr #zeitenwende



Amazing amount if content Chris! Happy Christmas. Thanks for all your hard work producing great content.

Sean Tyson

Hey Chris, thanks for the new video and discussion of Germany's defense procurement process, such as it is. There's a lot to process and digest. One issue that perhaps should be a larger priority for the German government is the commitment of materiel to Ukraine. If one accepts that it is not in Germany's interest that Russia triumph, then perhaps in the short term, re-equipping the German military should be done in coordination with its support for Ukraine. As many have noted, the intensity and duration of the war is expending resources at a staggering, even unsustainable rate. It's not clear that even Russia can continue this tempo indefinitely, but to offset its stockpile of weapons and ammunition, Ukraine may need resources comparable to what was projected for a NATO-Warsaw Pact conflict. Accordingly, Germany should try to determine what it is willing to contribute to that effort and factor the associated expenditures into its rebuilding plan.


What's German for "D'oh!"?