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Hey all,

I thought I would make a post showing some of the upcoming content for December 2020 and January 2021. The two months are more or less finished and planned out, so here is an overview of what you will see [alongside some screenshots above that go with some of the videos:

Willy Messerschmitt vs Heinkel He 162
Already in Early Access and available here. In this video, I will look at a statement written by Willy Messerschmitt in opposition to the introduction of a Volksjäger in late 1944. It will also include a discussion on the potential production costs, hours and complexity between the models.

Bf 109 - The Price you Pay for Firepower
Already in Early Access and available here. This video is also based on a primary source, by Luftflotte 3 whom tested a novel 20mm gunpod mounted centrally on the BF 109. Although it was never introduced, it's an interesting experiment and also shows some of the underlining issues with weapon and aircraft development.

The Secret behind German Engine Performances : GM-1 and MW-50
This video will feature a guest appearance by Calum Douglas, engineer and author of 'The Secret Horsepower Race' who will give an introduction into the use of GM-1 and MW-50 to boost German aeroengine performance during WW". Next to the basics, he also goes over some lesser well known elements, like how GM-1 was initially restricted in use and reserved for special German Jagdstaffeln.

Why Japan lost the South Pacific Air War
Together with Justin Pyke, I explore the South Pacific Theatre and we chat about how both the IJNAS and IJAAS operated in the area, and why they ultimately lost against the Allied Air Forces.

How German Pilots Tried to Kill the B-17
In this video, I use a primary source to look at how German Jagdgeschwader experience reports indicate different ways of attacking B-17 heavy bombers and compare this with the conventional wisdom. Potentially a sponsored episode.

Looking forward to sharing this all with you, thank you again for making this possible and please feel free to comment and leave feedback below.




Jens Backman

Sounds perfect 👍


Chris, there is some really excellent luftwaffe gun camera footage of how to attack a heavy bomber on Youtube. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yMT0H8qe9k&t=59s&ab_channel=PeriscopeFilm