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I'm sorry again I've got nothing to show for the months of radio silence, I'm really bad at communicating but I'm trying to be better.

I've been thinking about this a lot after months of no progress no drawings nothing not even a doodle it sucks saying this but I need too.

I'll be finishing all commissions paid or not but when my commission queue is done I will be retiring as a free lance artist and turning my patreon into a tip jar.

I know this is letting a lot of people down that have wanted to commission me for years but please understand my mental health has taken a noise dive as of late and its all stress related.

happier note for how I'm supporting myself and my hun rito I am now working full time at a place called raven systems and I love it there and its mostly furries working there so its really kick ass. 

 I'll still draw for myself so patreon stuff will not disappear but it will be a while before I can manage any kind of real patreon projects



Please don't apologize!! You gotta put you first, and I am happy you are finding some good vibes at your new job. Hopefully one day you can pick it back up in any case^^