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writing this to let you all know what is going on.

about two weeks ago a friend of mind found bed bugs where in my apartment, as a result, we have been in a state of stress consisting of cleaning/drying cloths putting what we can't clean into bags and what can't go into bags we through away including our bed which has mad sleeping a little harder, I have not been getting great sleep and am tired a lot of the time now but my hun has been the one most stressed by this problem as he does not like having the apartment a tornado of trash bags and sleeping on the couch. in addition, I had to give 425.00 of what I mad this month for bed bug treatment and it just sucks I spent all that time trying to build up to save money and this happens. but the worst for me is time, time is a huge factor for me with art and with all that has happened this month I am extremely behind on work. trying my best to keep composed and work through it so I can keep up with patreon (WHITCH AGAIN VERY SORRY GUYS I REALLY AM, THINGS HAVE BEEN HELL THIS MONTH) commissions and the new image pack which will most likely be out in may at this point. I hope you all understand the situation and have a lovely day


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