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hearing about the patreon TOS change has had me on pins and needles for a while now. worrying about the day they send me a CMD or just shut me down without warning so I have been thinking about this for the past few days, it seems like an idea I would like to try for a number of reasons,

1. I could get more people in the mailing list that don't like to use patreon for the credit card reason, so everything would go through PayPal.me

2. it would be sent right to people's mailbox in high resolution

3. you can email me anytime about questions and I would see them eminently as it's my primary email.

I know some people would be a little afraid of the idea as it would be really easy for someone to take the money and run without repercussions like on patreon, but I believe I have built up enough faith from the people on my patreon now to have a good reputation for being on time and not just taking money and not giving something back.
so if this is something you would like me to "try" I would love to know.
if you think it's a bad idea tell me to all feedback is welcome


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