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if you are a patreon or fan of my work you know what's been happening for the past 3 or 4 months but if your out of the loop here's a recap. last year my husband rito got a job after months of unemployment. rito is about 500+ pounds and is unable to drive safely so I have been driving him to and from work every weekday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. that commute is about 45 minutes long "one way" so on a good day i am driving 4 hours a day, 28 hours a week it's killing me emotionally and creatively. it's the reason dishes, floors and most importantly why art has not been done. I've had good days when I can do some art on weekends but it's been extremely spaced out and hard to get things going when i need it. so I was elated to hear the good news last Monday. starting the 16th of march he will be at a new job "downtown" which means I no driving. no getting up at 6 am, no going straight to bed after I get home. I can focus solely on my art. i am so so soooooooo happy you have no idea.



YAY!!!! I hope this job is better. Happy to hear it's less stress for the both of you.