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Hi, guys!

Apologies are definitively an order: I'm SO SORRY I haven't been able to update this past week AT ALL.

You see, unfortunately my SSD --the one where I had my OS installed-- went kaput, and no matter what I did or tried, Windows just wouldn't start. There was absolutely no way to get it back, so I had to get a new SSD and start from mostly scratch. Thankfully, my files were stored on another unit, so those are at least intact, but I obviously became incapable of doing anything with my PC. Wasn't able to work and, of course, I wasn't able to even get into the site to at least update you on the situation.

Anyway, that's the reason for the delays. I promise to do double updates this week so that we'll still be on track, including the monthly schedule. Again, I apologize for the delay, and hope you'll enjoy the pinups we've planned for the month.

Happy Holidays, everyone :D



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