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Notice: If you are new to our Patreon, please be sure to scroll down and read the "Reminder" and "Key Terms" near the bottom of the post.

Hey, gang,

First of all, I'm aware this schedule is coming out a bit late in the month, so apologies for that. I'll try not to let so many days go by in March and going forward.

Secondly, you'll notice that this time we don't have a monthly poll. You see, I wasn't the only person in the team that got hit hard by COVID --some of our artists got sick from it as well. This means that our production has suffered and, as you've surely noticed, we're behind schedule and there is no guarantee that some pinups will be ready for a specified deadline. However, we're doing our best to catch up with the exclusive art we know we owe you, guys.

I've decided that I'll keep updating twice a week with classic and current art posts, as well as the convenience files from the previous month without adding exclusive pinups into the monthly schedule. Rest assured, they ARE being worked on, and when one of them is ready, I'll share it with Greenhorn Patreons and those beyond as an EXTRA update :) In short, you'll still get two updates every week and, if and when there is an exclusive pinup ready, we'll share it with you immediately!

As for monthly polls, we'll put them on hold for a bit until we've delivered a few more of the pinups we owe you. Don't worry, the hiatus won't last for long!

We realize it's been a bumpy ride and thank you for sticking with us through these rough times. Hopefully things will be smoother going forward :) And thanks for reading this wall of a text! :D

That's it for announcements: let's move on to the month's (or whatever's left of it) schedule! :D

Week 1

  • Classic Art - Lois Lane: "Hot off the Press" - February 5th
  • Classic Art - Black Widow, Captain America & Winter Soldier: "Natasha's Hidden Talents" - February 6th

Week 2

  • Classic Art - Mystique & Shadow Cat: "No Phasing" - February 12th
  • Classic Art - Poison Ivy & Batgirl: "Poison Ivy's Mars AND Venus Trap" - February 14th

Week 3

  • Classic Art - Star Sapphire & Jessica Cruz: "Eyes Everywhere" - February 20th
  • Classic Art - Miss Martian: "Going Greenback" - February 21th

Week 4

  • Classic Art - Squirrel Girl, Spider-Woman (May Parker) & White Tiger: "Vampiric Recruiting" - February 24th
  • Special Content - Convenience Archive: January 2021 - February 25th
  • Current Art - Wild Thing, Elektra & wolverine: "Familiar Reunion" - February 26th

Reminder: This is a list of all the content currently planned for release this month. Classic and Current Content releases are firm, but Exclusive and Comic Content releases are estimated and will be posted with a "quality-first" pledge by our art team. Should any changes in our schedule occur, we will edit this post- dating and explaining the reasons for transparency.


How to Read What's On the Menu?

Each post follows the format:

(Type of Content) - (Featured Characters + Title If Available) - (Date of Content Release)


Exclusive Content - Miss Martian: "Tentacle Dimension" - June 10th

Key Terms:

There are five content types which are described below.

  • Classic Art: This is older art that has been remastered in UHD (or as big as we can make it based on the original art master), released to our Patreon and publicly on our Social Media platforms. This art is free to share, but is Patron-only because of Patreon Terms of Service (adult art must be Patron-only). It is available to all Patrons of every tier.
  • Current Art: This is NEW ART, highlights which have been recently published at our flagship website. It is available to all Patrons of every tier.
  • Exclusive Content: This is art made exclusively for our Patreon supporters and will only be released here. It's okay to share this art, but if you do, please tell folks where they can find us in the hopes they may support the creation of more naughty superhero action. Exclusive Content is available to the Greenhorn tier ($5 USD) and above.
  • Comic Content: Our long-term goal is to remaster all of our classic content for better viewing on modern monitors and devices such as tablets. Comic Content is available to all tiers, but higher tiers will get early access.
  • Special Content: This art is extra and not part of the normal monthly releases. It is always available to all Patrons of every tier.

Tier Exclusive Content

Most of our content is released to all Patrons, but there are some exclusive perks for those who wish to support our art projects at higher tier levels:

  • Greenhorn & Above: Access to Patreon-Exclusive Content.
  • Sidekick: Voting Power in JH Polls.
  • Hero: Access to the Patreon Convenience Archive (all art from the previous month in one easy to download .zip file), Double Voting Power in JH Polls, and JH Art Requests (one pinup after every 12 months).
  • Sentinel: Triple Voting Power in JH Polls and JH Art Requests (two pinups after every 12 months).
  • Legend: 5x Voting Power in JH Polls and JH Art Requests (requests get more priority, two pinups after every 6 months).


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