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We all know about Tony's famous suit, the "HulkBuster", which he uses to (kinda) control Hulk. But behold his newest invention! The "She-HulkBuster", with its piston-pumping feature, is guaranteed to leave Jennifer exhausted, yet somehow wanting MORE!

...Wait, that might not be such a good thing. See that face? That's the face of a woman who's realized a bit of wanton property damage might be worth getting her fine ass busted every now and then! :D

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See you next time, gang! And we better hope Iron Man has that suit charged at all times for emergencies... like a She-Hulk booty call! ;)





Hope to see more She-Hulk stuff 😍👍


Thank you, Dominic! You can rest easy -- She-Hulk will return! :D -rafaelmc17