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Kickin' off MerMay with the MerMon! I swear with Arceus as my witness that I will never be more satisfied for something alleged to be real to turn out to really be real than when Primarina turned out to be real. The second the starters for Gen 7 were first shown off I already had Popplio chosen because it's adorable and has a clown nose and contrary to what you might expect my favorite Pokemon isn't one of the sexy ones like Gardevoir or Lopunny it's actually Mr. Mime, so I was always a big fan of clown Pokemon, all two of them. But apparently I was in the minority because everyone and their dog, even my girlfriend at the time who always picked the water starter indiscriminately just absolutely crapped all over him for looking "derpy," so when the evolutions were leaked I was basically that Timmy Turner praying meme: "please let the mermaid Pokemon be real because it would be so fucking funny," and then it was real, and I was right, it was fucking funny, because I haven't heard anyone have a bad word to say about Popplio since. Nowadays I make the "be careful who you call ugly in middle school joke" in relation to Popplio and Primarina and it confuses people, they're like "who called Popplio ugly?" And that just makes it even funnier, that that switch was flipped so quickly so early on that people don't even remember it anymore



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