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About a week ago I posted an update about commissions on DeviantArt, FurAffinity, and Twitter. I'm sure most people who follow me here probably follow me on one of those, but if not I'm going to post it again here along with another one that I posted to those sites just now:

Sorry to everyone still waiting on commissions, been helping clear out a house to get it ready to be sold, I'm not the one calling the shots on that project, and the one who is calling the shots has ceased communicating with me on what days I'm needed, so every time I plan to get some work done I find out at the last possible minute that I'm needed down there and gotta put down what I'm working on. I haven't been able to get anything done this week besides inking the belated April Fools Day pic, that was not by choice, I will be getting back to work as soon as I can

And here's the other update:

Getting the house ready to be sold has basically turned into a borderline flipping of it, the family member that was living in it absolutely trashed it, it needed a lot more than just a simple cleaning and still does, but the worst of it may be behind me. I'm sorry to those still waiting for sketches but those are still going to be on hold for now while I spend my evenings after the housework getting caught up on what was already paid for and also getting out some personals for the Patreon. I really hate that last month was my most lucrative month yet and then I had to go from it immediately into what will likely be my least productive month in years. Needless to say I'm pissed at that family member for destroying the house, making this whole project take way longer than it should, and not even lifting so much as a finger to help clean up her own mess. If I actually took the time to list everything that's been done to fix that house, you'd be appalled at the thought that there's still more to do, and it was not like that when she was left with it with the specific expectation that she'd maintain it until it's time to sell it. She slobbed all over it instead, and now everyone is paying the price for it.


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