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Initially I had a hard time deciding if I should go with Killer Klowns from Outer Space for the angle on this one, as Disney now owns it, (bit of a redundant statement I know as they're probably gonna own the entire world by this time next week) or JoJo's Circus since that's something Disney actually made themselves, but then I remembered which one had inflatoboobs and that kinda made my decision for me.


...note to self, give the mom from JoJo's Circus inflatoboobs...or JoJo herself (aged up of course)...or BOTH...or maybe not, I mean, that's a preschool show, if it's contemporaneous to the childhoods of anyone who watches me then they know it from their *early* childhoods, and I can't just ruin somebody's early childhood like that...
...I'm being facetious obviously, of course I can ruin somebody's early childhood like that.




This looks excellent, you did an outstanding job coloring and drawing Kairi as a clown/klown. :)