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Nice to get to give the card game some appreciation, sucks I got nobody to play it with because the only online client got cease and decisted despite Bandai not providing an equivalent service themselves. And I'm not doing that crap where you point a webcam at the table, call me inflexible but if I gotta settle for playing a card game online then I should have all the bells and whistles that come with it! For everything I hate about Yugioh that's why I dropped it in favor of Digimon TCG in the first place, one thing I gotta give Konami credit for is that at least they understand that anyone who plays the fan simulators instead of buying the physical cards was never gonna buy them anyway, and letting the fans run the simulators gets the game into the hands of people that would rather try before they buy, thus increasing the sales of the cards. I guess Bandai doesn't like money!




The urge to have them as my personal bed pillows is strong.