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Our third year of hosting Junequest is finally upon us and that means:
I am taking art requests for the entire month and patrons get first dibs!

I’ve been hosting a month long challenge in June for three years. It is my way of giving back to this loving art community. Just as you make me smile every day with your encouragement, I wish to do the same with gift art. The goal is to paint as many characters as possible!

I am able to continue with Junequest every year thanks to YOUR support here on patreon! Thank you.


- All requests are welcome!
- Please leave a link to references of your OC in this thread!
- Optional, but if you like the annual request challenge, please share my patreon with your friends!

Because you are a patron, I'll have my eyes on your requests before anyone else!

Alongside the challenge, I will be purchasing a Wacom tablet and Clip Studio software license for an artist in need so that another individual can embark on the creative journey that we all know and love. To join that opportunity, you'll have to check out this twitter post.


Junequest will take place here on patreon, twitter, and on deviantart - you can also participate on those platforms when the Junequest challenge goes live over there! Completed requests will be posted on patreon as normal!

- A majority of the characters will be painted live on my twitch stream and will be shared across my social sites. If you receive a gift painting, it is for personal use only and may not be redistributed or sold.

- This particular challenge will involve me choosing characters that I find inspiring. I know this doesn’t need to be said, but I won’t be able to fulfill every request and just because you have submit a request does not mean it will be chosen.

I look forward to painting a bunch of your characters this month! <3




Here's my tiefling monk, thank you so much for the opportunity. https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYNMm-lXfb/?igshid=ef6o8gxxayth


Zomg, Junequest is go! Changing things up this time and going with my newer character, Rezinar, the half-elf bard! The link has some other drawings of him and a reference piece, but I should note he's acquired a fondness of scarves recently. A lot of scarves. Like, Johnny Depp and Prince level scarves. Anyways, you rock, and good luck with Junequest! https://imgur.com/a/lqTIWBp


LEMON! I'm super excited to paint some lovely characters!! Thank you for requesting!


Thanks Jaspor! I think it's going to be another awesome year - thanks for being with me along the way!


oh man, I'm so pumped for this!! I love your art style and I would love to see my garbage child Ariana imagined in your way!! excited to see more art from you!! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fjy7oswoM4jlnZZne8oyHlnruaz4tPehJ-PwAje_8U0/edit?usp=sharing


Hey there! I'd be quite interested in entering this generous request-fest! This is my Zandalari troll lady, Kapera! A grumpy grouchy death obsessed lady devoted to serving Bwonsamdi https://imgur.com/a/zl4pi75 https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/argent-dawn/kapera https://www.wowhead.com/dressing-room#RtzV0zJ8z9MVzzzM0o9M8UeH87cSKH808SKb8zpR87mSKf8zLJ8SO38zLJ8eXy8sP8SKd8zLJ8SO28zLJ8H1m87c


Oh I do love trolls!! Thank you for requesting and your kind words Xaph!


How about a first? A warcraft dragon OC. Here's the lovely Zireagosa. https://ibb.co/album/dEoeRF - thanks for being awesome.


I have such heart eyes for dragon OCs! Thanks for requesting Damara! &lt;3


You are awesome! I’d request my girl Nephelle, if she’s up your alley. https://twitter.com/brandikambalov/status/1133572380742299650?s=21


Wowsers!!!! So exciting to see all the amazing art that’ll come out of this!!! 😀 I’d love to see my book character Knightingale in your style. It would be AMAZEBALLS!! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvbyGAh8JeQqiVZs99eFzCApufqZ She’s not as fancy as Dragons and Elves lol, but she’s a Fae/Human hybrid. She looks human but for her distinctive green eyes and pink hair. She’s an elemental so can manipulate the elements. She’s very partial to fire! 🔥 (she has some anger issues!) Much of the character is written rather than pictured (if that makes sense!) so if you do fancy taking her on, hit me up for more info! Honestly though, I’m just so looking forward to seeing what you paint for Junequest... especially the Dragon!!! 😍


Ahhh I'm so excited to see all the art you do!! I'm looking forward to the streams! I'm going to throw Rory here :) If you fancy it. https://refsheet.net/Llivia/Rory


Woot! Can't wait to share the process on stream! &lt;3 Thank you for requesting!


Aaah, junequest! Thank you so much for all your generosity Syl &lt;3 it was a hard choice but I will put forth Delphi! https://toyhou.se/3352143.delphi


I'm going to be listing several (aka too many), because I love the look of all of these characters. They're only from World of Warcraft because it's all I've played for the last 15 years. A few are anthro, which I'm not sure of your want to draw, but in case you feel like branching out... ;) I've picked several that are very near and dear to my heart as well as a few that I just really like the look of in case you also like the look of them. Troo (My long-time main) - Orc Hunter: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19HT1Ea4EZBbKxX0s-ZVFege5l0FafK3e Neydra - Mah'har Orc Hunter: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cwLLEvVijkUtArFV9-mKVrc7gQPwVT8w Vairakai - Dark Iron Dwarf Warrior: https://drive.google.com/open?id=177ngxfC9YmT9qDkJgcO1vXUzZVJd_NVA Silys - Void Elf Warrior: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OWDKetjeyo_SSKeWGdv13Q83uJuw0Glt Krysaadi - Blood Elf Demon Hunter: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L7eBzwJAMcPBSC6RHVbq0W9MiUeh4Zm_ Maitha - Draenei Hunter: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1q5P5g3Jh7_J5kVlZIB8qIXo6KqvJDWDW Ju'lee - Zandalari Troll Hunter: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wx9aqBf7r2nOWB0sGlRnM6rg1PAH6012 Jool - Zandalari Troll Druid: https://drive.google.com/open?id=16v9c6vZ3c2mRKf3zVufc3iElcH7i1duW Salym - Tauren Hunter: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fE1TFlCC0ep4uY_MytoeVUwhxhiXzrEa Drym - Highmountain Tauren Druid: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wTsV7EBD8QAjUrsd21v5_-rqJQo9a_SR Wahre - Forsaken Rogue: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1J-A_mXAUWZXfEMopMrRkocrFPCVC3pyY I'm done now. :) Hope you get a ton of really amazing submissions to draw the heck out of!


Thank you for such a wide selection!! Gives me so many awesome faces to choose from. :3 Glad to have you a part of Junequest this year Troo!!


Another year together, Sam! &lt;3 Thanks for your submission and continued support! You're awesome!


I don't know if you're into final fantasy at all, but here's my Miqo'te! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-Nlt_4iUsOsT--1GOHY3pbQ2aw0WUyg_


Ooooh Miqo'te are SO cute! Thank you for requesting and your pledge today!! &lt;3


What an amazing tradition you do! I’d like to nominate my sweet &amp; fiery Arija. I fell in love with writing fanfic based on this character and allowed me to really begin finding inner peace through writing https://www.wowhead.com/list=207587400/us-grizzly-hills-arija


OH WOW another year passed! XD Thank you for holding this tradition. 💕 I´m curious about all the wonderful oc´s you´ll draw this June. *-* Maybe you´ll find some inspiration in one of mine. ^-^ http://fav.me/dc18na4 / http://fav.me/dc18qky


This really sounds like a real challenge indeed, and taking that one, you are really pushing yourself! But its great to see, love the streams so this is gonna be a great thing. Really looking forward to see all these OC's come to life through you. I'll add om some references of my Night elf druid here. :D https://imgur.com/p390w6A https://imgur.com/C1KyHm3 https://imgur.com/x1KSCNt There is some of those images.. Now let's hope this month really becomes as remarkable as hopes are offering.


Happy Junequest! For your consideration: Juno, a college of swords bard! https://toyhou.se/3674334.juno/gallery You're always so wonderful! Good luck this month!


(this is halforq, i just realized that might not be clear oops)


Oh this sounds fun! This is Lekana. She's a night elf druid who has spent a little too much time in her feral cat form, so her ears have a little bit of a tuft and her teeth are a bit sharp. She has an overly peppy personality and she likes to take critters with her into dangerous situations cause she doesn't understand they don't belong. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dyb3KAIUUAE1AXw.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dyb3KHWV4AA1Uan.jpg


Hey Syl! Had to patch some old games to find a character for you! :P Going with my last Blade &amp; Soul main: Tirilith, Defender of the Ancients https://gyazo.com/9c2e2de1f3e91af0e65e6f709e019ca3


Hi love! Hopefully now that I’m free of university for the summer I can finally attend one of your streams ❤️ I’m so excited to see all the new art from you 😊 And here are some cute girls in case you feel so inclined ❤️ Keyria ~ https://bit.ly/keyriaconcept2 Maelie ~ https://bit.ly/maelieref Reylana ~ https://bit.ly/reylanaref


Would love to have you at the streams, Annabelle!! Thank you for requesting!


It's always been a turning point for me in art every year!! So much experimenting and drawing - I can't wait to give it another go! Thanks for your request Staven!! &lt;3


I can't wait to meet them either! Thanks for requesting Lacrimare and for sharing another year with me &lt;3


You are such an amazing lady, Syle. &lt;3 Thank you for all of the wonderful opportunities you give to so many. https://trello.com/b/OdqLyBXF/oc-art-references


Aww Mischi! I could say the very same about you. &lt;3 Thank you for your request!!


your work is gorgeous and an inspiration!! https://imgur.com/gallery/4L1Q7cC


My OC! I also posted it on twitter ^^ https://twitter.com/aviriia/status/1134794388469628928?s=21 (my profile pic there is also the exact same char!) Goodluck and i cant wait to see all the arts!


Thanks for pledging today Aviriia! So happy to meet your character! &lt;3


Thank you so much Nesquidly!! Welcome to the patreon team - thanks to introducing your character to me!


Hi! Gorgeous style! May you continue to get support through your patreon to move forward with your dreams! For request info, this is my girl. :) https://m.imgur.com/a/QRVMC


I just bumped into you and this event via twitter 💛, and shared my blessings and other bits and pieces there. Thank you for being so awesome and hello everyone! 👀💛 -edit since I saw just now that we should post our twitter thingies here too if we became a patron, here I go: https://twitter.com/Veronika_Nya/status/1134809073965293570


You’ve done two of my elf girls already, so here is another! My Wood Elf Warlock, Deladove! Can’t wait to see all the amazing pieces you do this month! https://imgur.com/a/Kaj0106


It's been a pleasure bringing your girls to life!! Thanks for your request Lily!


Awww, thank you so very much!! Welcome to the patreon team, Veronika!


This is so kind, thank you so much Muriah! Welcome to the patreon team - I'm blessed to have you!


https://sta.sh/0i2jnyigrzk -Sofia Ridgewell Wrynn- Frost mage and musician who can give you a warm smile, then freeze you to death :D


Here is my Kul'Tiran warrior. Ref sheet is nsfw https://twitter.com/EveBlackwood69/status/1134844666925502467?s=19


Promised I'd drop her off here, so here's Sylrona! Light NSFW (just underwear stuff). https://refsheet.net/Lilithsahl/sylrona-carthana


I would be remiss if I didn't leave references for Gamege here: https://imgur.com/a/eLRxA


Hi hi! I’d love to request my Rue! NSFW art is hidden under a filter automatically. &lt;3 https://toyhou.se/3880903.rue-gisele


Here is my baby Sebyl and I'm so glad I found your Paterson because I absolutely adore your art. https://twitter.com/Siberia_Hearts/status/1134904919335612418?s=19


Hi! I would like to request by girl Xennariel. https://imgur.com/a/efd4V Thank you so much for doing this. It's so awesome of you! Your art is amazing! &lt;3


My Norn guardian Astala Tyr https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao6aOGAly5M5hohU67x7wbKl4IHNag (big image sorry)


My night elf Demon Hunter, Nymue: https://imgur.com/48u31aV My Miqo'te, Aja Lonki: https://imgur.com/xNjFe0H This is such a cool thing! I can't wait to see everything you do!


My Trevelyan Inquisitor, Enara https://imgur.com/PwUYdAB


The prettiest lady!! Thank you for requesting her Lilithsahl &lt;333


Nemo, thank you for all that you do &lt;3 Thanks for requesting as well!!


Hiya Uru'pel! Thank you for your pledge today and your request!! :D


Aww, thank you for the kind words!! I appreciate you requesting and for showing such generous support!


You're amazing - thank you for your sweet words! So glad to meet your OC!


Your work is amazing and Im so glad one of the artists I follow promotes others so heavily or I never would have found you! Im excited to see more of your works! (edit: I just remembered you said to link here too ;; https://twitter.com/Espurrnyx/status/1134868843933896706?s=19 its a comission done for an avi I made but shes fully up to interpretation of face ratios and shape. Thank you so much for consideration for this!)


Thank you so much for your pledge today Espurr!! &lt;3 It's so great to meet your character!


I'm really excited to join your Patreon family and ever since I found you on Twitter, I've been very impressed and inspired by your art! I hope this character is satisfactory: https://file.toyhou.se/images/4247576_Zug7SxzqHvuI4LW.png


Awwww, we all welcome you with open arms! &lt;3 Thank you for your request Fox!


I discovered your art when someone retweeted your Junequest thread. You do such lovely work and I'm excited to join your Patreon! This is my Moon-Elf Cleric, Tristavyrr 💙 https://twitter.com/TheStardust77/status/1134970126594273280?s=19


Thank you for jumping on board Jessie! It's great to have you! &lt;3


Hi Sylessae! Finances worked out so I'm finally here! This is Daeyra, my Moon Elf Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow. She's tempest domain with a temper to match. I would love to see your take on her if you have time! https://twitter.com/Posiella/status/1112168816413429761


Aww Laura, thank you so much for your support! So happy to meet Daeyra too!

Vladimir Wadegreene

Here is my Oc, "J". A demon living in downtown San Francisco running a sports bar and illegal brewery! http://imgur.com/a/vWKTMvY


https://imgur.com/a/bhCNIi5 My Elf ranger Kimmby (she has a long ponytail that is not visible sadly :c )


My qtpie druid, Lae :3 you've seen her around a lot. Loves bubbly people like Syl because they're usually awesome to tea party with. https://imgur.com/1R9lGyM


Here is a character should you wish: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_H5j2hEnU9w4IgIa2jwfydVdmfOhHuSukTP9IBtUlqg/edit?usp=sharing Open to interpretation for you, in truth, with just the basis for how the race looks to help. :D


Thanks so much for your request &lt;333 Always love to meet your characters!


Hiya! Not been super active lately, especially on Patreon, but I thought I might pop in here and leave one of my characters. Always super excited about your Junequests and I remember being up and watching your stream until I passed out last year! It was great! I'm so happy you're doing it again and it's always a joy to see all the things you come up with! I truly hope it's a big successful June for you and everyone involved! I know you've already drawn my Caerae, twice even, so I thought I'd give you her girlfriend, Tandrel this time instead for you. She's a young druidic priestess with an affection for life and nature to keep harmony between all things. One of her abilities is being able to communicate with all the life through with her light powers and the way she does this is through holding her left dominant hand over the star-shaped gemstone over her chest, or one of the little crystals that are hovering around it. She's a very emotional and gentle person that likes to smile a lot with an extrovert side to her! She's also a florist and cares a lot for all kinds of flowers around her and love being surrounded by them. Here's the link to her little album of pictures - https://imgur.com/a/uVzYiOp (You'll find in the reference sheet that there are two versions of her eyes. The transparent eyes are for when she's channeling her light). Would love to see if you'd do anything, as would I love to see how you interpret any character during JuneQuest. Thank you again for the opportunity! Much love to you! &lt;3


Hey Lune! Always thinking of you sweetheart. &lt;3 Thank you for sharing Tandrel with me!


Hey :) Unfortunately I can't support you as much as I'd like to due to my current personal situation but I'd like to leave my character here as well and hope that you'll be in the mood to draw her ^^ Mako, my Miqo'te bard from FFXIV: https://imgur.com/a/c4VfZgo I also left a comment on Twitter with a ref of her, my Twitter handle is @ValeriyaDawn :) This event is so cool, thank you for hosting it! I hope you and your art will get more attention through this. But please take care of yourself as well, ok? &lt;3 Have a nice day :) - Val / Mako


Stopping by from twitter and twitch stream, with my cleric girl Jayde again :) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D8U1QDZU8AAYJ6Q.jpg


Hi, I'm one of the newer Patreons so I don't know if it's okay for me to post here. Here is my Black Dragonborn (generally Evil natured). Story: Vyukax, once best friend of Prince of the Arthal tribe of Black Draconians, has been exiled for having a different view point in life compared to his bretheren. He asked why do they fight against their Metallic kind, when the War between Dragonborn and Draconians ended centuries ago. The Prince, unable to comprehend the question posed by Vyukax, banished him and Vyukax was left to roam the world, hated by other races for being a Chromatic Dragonborn. Fate would lead him to Watatsumi, the Dragon God of Deep Oceans. Watatsumi saw the potential in young Vyukax and took him under his wing and taught him language of Celestials. Vyukax would make his home near the Ocean, on a cliff in a forest. He was known as the Dragon hermit in the nearby village that he would often venture out to help to help fend off robbers and to buy supplies or take up some quest that would lead him to any information on the Dragonborn's past. In one such expedition, Vyukax found that there was indeed a possibility that Chromatic Dragons can become Metallic Dragons once more but there was no method of how this was possible. Thus Vyukax has made his life's goal to answer the question of how. This is the Greatsword I drew for him https://imgur.com/xZDJg1h and This is the Dragon Scroll I 3D sculpted for him https://imgur.com/4yvTpVN I have never drawn what he looks like but the image I usually associated was something like https://i.pinimg.com/originals/79/c6/13/79c61354d24270099ae901da2a7a3c70.png with some parts turning into faint Bronze colors. Thanks for doing this!


You are absolutely welcome to post here! Thank you for sharing Sess, and welcome to the team! &lt;3


Awesome!! Thanks for sharing here as well and jumping on the patreon team! &lt;3


No matter the support, it means everything to me. Thank you for being here with me Owlie! &lt;3


Are we allowed to request more than 1 character Syl? Because if so, I'd also like to put forth my sassy barbarian lady Pandora as well (: https://toyhou.se/4254398.pandora


It may be too late but I also want to suggest an old witch OC I never gave much love to. She's a witch who thanks to her taxidermist husband never got her soul transfered properly after being burned alive. And now "lives" in a a dead alive state where her soul is technically in the "crown" atop her head and the entire bottom part of her body is made of cloth and magically constructed anatomy. I have like a 8 page doc of her backstory written as though it were a visual novel. https://www.instagram.com/p/BsyM68wBMEB/?igshid=12h9ow84y4pkw


It's not too late at all! Taking requests all month of course! &lt;3 Thanks for the suggestion!


Sooo, Ginko is my only creation. It's the first time that I draw so... Don't laugh. It's actually a character in a Roleplay Gaming. He's a bit young, but one day he'll be big. https://imgur.com/STk3fQw He's burn mark on his cheek is not supposed to be so big, it was supposed to be on he's ear (the left) but I'm so bad at drawing this... He's actually an Half-Elf raised on the roads by travelers parents. Thank you so much for doing so many beautifuls drawings again !


Aww, I would never laugh! Thank you for sharing Ginko - and welcome to our patreon team! &lt;3


Omg I’m so glad I found your work! So inspirational &lt;33 If I can, I’d like to be considered for the requests, but if im too late or whatever than that’s perfectly fine too! I’m just glad I’m able to support you, even if it’s just in a seemingly small way for now. Here’s my girl, Akiera’s info- https://sta.sh/01js8k5r8gwf


Hey Candice!! Welcome to the team. &lt;3 You're not to late to submit! I'll still be picking some requests from the bunch until the end of the month! Thanks for introducing me to your girl. :)