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Thanks to you guys it has been another wonderful, art filled month. <3

I have a ton of plans for the upcoming months, a lot of which includes both art and traveling. I haven't posted very many travel updates, but I wanted to ask you guys - is this something you are all interested in? Photos, blurbs regarding my adventures?

This next month we'll be seeing the newest tier rewards being added to the bunch! You can expect patron only paintings and polls in the very near future!

Regarding Chains - it has been such a difficult thing to fit into my schedule as of late with commission and personal work but I'm doing my best to figure out a way to manage updates. It's been a bit of a learning process which always adds unexpected time to every project. Thanks for bearing with me guys and at the very least, I wanted to keep you updated on how it's going!

I hope you guys had a wonderful July - thanks for sticking with me!

CHAINS Webcomic:  http://chains.sylessae.com
(You guys can look forward to the return of Chains very soon!)

Project Starcall: http://www.sylessae.com/starcall

Rewards will be sent out on the 5th of August via a patreon message.




Since you ask, I would definitly be interested in a kind of travel-blog!


Blurbs and things would be kinda neat ^^


Aaaah, I definitely need to start once I get steadily traveling again!