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Hey guys! First of all, I hope you're having a very lovely holiday with your friends and family. Enjoy some yummy food and take a few days to relax!

With the year coming to a close, and the changes made to the rewards, I wanted to get some feedback from everyone here!

I have big plans for the comic and of course plans just as big for upcoming individual artworks! But, to keep my feed busy and keep you guys updated, I wanted to hear more about what YOU would like to see from me in the new year!

Alongside the comic and regular artwork, I wanted to hear your feedback on these potential updates:  

- Would you guys like me to share more about my upcoming travels and adventures? For those of you who frequent discord, you'll know I'm a traveling artist. Thanks to some fortunate events, I'll be back on the road in the next couple months. I'll possibly be sharing pictures and updates about where we are, where we're going, and where we've been. As we start plotting our course I'll talk more about which conventions Josh and I will be attending.

- Would you guys like to see more sketches, doodles and WIP here? I'm going to make these things exclusive to you guys on this feed, if you do. This will include process images for paintings as well.

- What do you guys think of prints? I will be opening a print shop here in the next few weeks. Redbubble isn't cutting it for me anymore, and with the expansion of sylessae.com there may be room for a store. c:

- What else would you like to see?  Please leave a comment if you have anymore suggestions or comments on any of these!

I have plans for growth and progress in the future, but it's important to me that you guys get to be right along side me for the ride. I would love to hear your feedback in the comments below - if there's anything else I can do to keep you guys happy, I'm always eager to listen!

Thanks guys! Love you all, and as always, thank you for your amazing support. <3


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